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Threat of Axis Deer on the Big Island
How short sighted, biased, and fickle we humans are. On the one hand we have hordes of people protesting against the release of Tectococcus Ovatus, the bio-control for strawberry guava that is inexorably choking out the native forest. They scream "Remember the mongoose and the rat!" We all remember that effort at biocontrol from the 1880s, right? A few good ole boy planters decided that what was good for them was good for the rest of us and imported the mongooses to eat the rats. Many reasons why this wasn't for the best but long story short they didn't control the rats and they did "control" many of Hawaii's native birds. It's enough to turn you right off bio-controls until you stop to consider that modern responsible bio-control efforts have been largely successful. Keep in mind that success in a bio-control means you won't notice anything dramatic, so while bio-control failures are often spectacular, successes are not nearly so obvious.

As an aside I have to wonder whether those who hold the 1880s mongoose experiment up as proof of the evil of all bio-control efforts also decline to go to the doctor, since doctors of that era routinely killed as many patients as they saved (didn't know enough to sterilize instruments, etc). Logic would dictate that if the science of bio-controls has not improved in 130 years, neither has medical science, right? Either that or logic is not playing much of a part in today's debate.

Back to the deer. A few good ole boy hunters have decided that what is good for them is good for the rest of us. Well, maybe they just don't give a **** what is good for the rest of us.

I have to be careful not to draw conclusion without evidence but I wouldn't be surprised if some of those screaming "remember the mongoose" are also those with the "save the deer" bumper stickers. They want the guava to feed the feral pigs and to smoke game meat with and of course they want the deer.
Why denigrate and belittle a poster because their views differ from yours. I'm sure we all harbor views that are blatantly illogical to a sizable number of other people.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
1) eradication = the new zealand method being effective in two ways the males eliminated first. In typical herding animals the females follow the males down canyon and to their doom. It takes a few seasons - but works.

2) Federal range land - lets not overlook the fact that a lot of range land belongs to you and me - not the ranchers. Because ranchers do not own the land - tend to over use it - leaving nothing for competing species, its economics ( & like not getting shared breeding bulls tested for vd...... = poor husbandry)

I just believe that a management structure of federal lands based on free range animals grazing available for harvesting to the public trump lease rights to cattle ranchers...... and at the very least needs to be discussed as part of the equation .....cattle are not indigenous either....Pigs may be naturalized by now......

Reading that the infected bulls were sold into human meat supply enough to push this omnivore to give up all meat btw. Meat cutters (used to - dont know about the practice today) add "steer meat" to lean out the fat content in "healthy" ground beef .....

Originally posted by oink

Why denigrate and belittle a poster because their views differ from yours. I'm sure we all harbor views that are blatantly illogical to a sizable number of other people.
It's not because of differing views, but because it sounds a lot like "just asking questions".
this thread is at its end...ive' never been in the wild, don't know senator kamahele, love deer meat and who is da troll oink??
Ken !!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Obie

Ken !!!!!!!!

Yes, Punaweb Troll - I am Ken.

I have learned to ALWAYS reply to a Troll by quoting him. So its pointless to come back a delete all your PRIOR Troll posts!

Nor do I find it ever necessary to use more than just Ken as a means of making my posts.
Looks like the answer. Import this tick and it will make people vegetarians. Actually, it creates a meat allergy in the people it bites that makes people eating meat violently ill, so they have no choice but to become vegan. Another sinister vegan plot.
Allergic to Meat: Lone Star Tick May Make Vegetarians of Some
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
okay fine guys, i'll come out of the closet and just say it....



Originally posted by rainyjim

okay fine guys, i'll come out of the closet and just say it....




lol, rainyjim move to Alaska then and eat deer, bear, moose etc. plenty of fish and game along with berries!

We humans just cannot leave well enough alone when it comes to our planet, we are destined to mess it up one way or another.

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