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The Rain!!
FYI, Carey lives in paved Keaau. Up here in the land of dirt roads (Hawaiian Acres), puddles are a way of life. It's actually weird when the roads are dry. Like, worth commenting on, but not worth writing your mom about.

Aloha spelled backward...think about it.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ ><> ~~~~ >(>
I know about the rich / poor thing, and I am by no means rich, nor am I at home among the rich. Living in the country is what I like the idea of.I am talking about the weather, the rain. I know mangoes are picky things and won't produce in higher elevations because it is too cool for them, but if I must, I can always buy them from local growers.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
Also, I have studied the rainfall maps, but they are a general idea. You guys know so much more detail. That is why I asked on here. And, I thank you all for your help! keep it coming.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
The question should be how many rainy days. What does it matter if it is raining .25"/hr or .50"/hr? Puna has wet spells and dry spells. Wet years and dry years. Volcano has less "'s of rain, but is cold in Winter. Kapoho has less "'s but is hot in summer. In between is, well, in between. This has been a rather dry Winter.
Come and RENT FIRST!
My belief is that it is rare if you don't see at least some blue sky during the day and it is rare if it doesn't at least rain a little bit during the day. Most of the time you're going to see both. If it goes more than a couple of days without rain, it gets too hot and if goes more than a couple of days without a break in the rain, then it gets depressing. Most of the time it is a nice balance of both, which is what I like.
Interesting thread, but having got 2.75 inches since midnight, I'm hoping for sun tomorrow.

Note to OP: in no Hilo, not Puna Smile


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
I meant puddles in the yard & the school yards & such... puddles on the roads are even on the paved areas ANY road depression here will fill & if it is packed down or paved, it is puddles... My amazement is where does all of that water in the yards & farms go??? unless there is a wash area in your yard, during those "light" rains under 5", there usually are no puddles,,,, for 1/2 a century of my life, any rain over an inch meant too much water... big pools of water on the playing fields & such... here, they are still playing soccer in huge downpours & not needing to tread water....

And much as most of us like to complain... how many people were complaining about the last 6 days with not a drop (I was watering plants yesterday because it had gotten that dry...something I rarely have to do, but they were really needing it...) I was actually glad to get some rain today....

Speaking of which, left Hilo just after 6pm & it had been raining to fill the gullies, back here, still pretty dry, had light rain mid-day barely 0.25in. in the gauge) this is in just 3miles due south & a hundred feet higher in elevation...but totally different upper elevation....
The amount of rain really can differ, even in the same subdivision as was mentioned. I live in Paradise Park, close to the ocean, my son lives in HPP near the highway. He gets more rain than I do, but he also has more mosquitoes!
you cant predict the rain, you can have 30 straight days or rain and 30 days w/o rain in same yr, and you can get sunburnt and soaking wet in same hour... IMO in Puna, the closer you are to the ocean (rainshadow) the less rain you will get...

Some in lower Puna (ie Seaview/Kehena/Kapoho) have trouble getting enough rain off their entire roof for catchment tank...
Me (upper Puna), I can catch rain from only 5' of gutters off one side of my roof to keep my tank full.

it does rain more at night than in day, and I agree that you usually see some blue during every day and also rain most every day as well... usually
Rain is all good IMO..... sure beats irrigating your whole garden and landscape, or paying for water

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
again if you all havent see this yet

36" in 24 hours is a BIG STORM... not 10"

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

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