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Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?!
i think we all agree on the albezia problem, i had a giant swamp mahogany that kept damaging my property. i tried everything to get the off island neighbors to remove that tree and finally paid for it myself. for years everytime we had a real windy storm i had to leave my house. so i agree in that respect, just trying to play devils advocate here and hope they tighten up the bill in regardst to when the county gets involved...
My husband and I love the tunnel of trees on that stretch of road from Nanawale to Lava Trees. Yes, we live on the mainland. But when we drive through those trees I relax and realize I'm on the way to our favorite area of Hawai'i Island. It is one of the most beautiful drives on the island.

We've visited in different seasons and only once, after a major, major storm, did we see any tree debris in the roadway, and then only small branches.

I have seen enormous trees go down on that stretch of road when I lived in lower Puna, and know of at least one time when cars got trapped between two different downed trees during some moderate winds. Because it is the main road in and out of lower Puna the downed trees get cleaned up pretty quickly, but driving through there during high winds is really scary.

When we first came here I thought the albezia were just beautiful, but now that I know how invasive they are, and how dangerous, I don't see them the same way.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
FYI, here's a link to the meeting of the Hawai'i County Council Committee on Environmental Management on April 30, 2013,where this Bill 64 is discussed:

Seems there are a lot of concerns about "unintended consequences" of this bill, and how it might pit neighbor against neighbor.
The Albezia have to go, but given the county's history of contract mismanagement the it might cost you 100k a tree
Are there any biological controls for albezia?
Might be a good thing to put a PAID albezia erradication force to work. There is value in the wood. We could have a mulch pile of monumental proportions in HPP alone!
The insurance is the most expensive part of taking down trees
That tree tunnel scares me. I have worked in the area and you frequently hear the sound of falling limbs. And that huge one visible from the road almost took out someone's yurt when it fell. When I drive though I think "I hope the Ents are in a good mood today."

Art and Orchids B&B
Art and Orchids B&B
I for one am happy that we have a few representatives willing to take a position unpopular to some for the greater good of the majority!

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