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Real Time Storm Prep ... Whatcha doin ?
Took the dogs for yet another walk at the bottom of HPP, the waves at the Maku'u end were huge, and the wind was pretty strong out of the north. We've got plenty of water, filled the bathtub so we can still flush if the power goes out, and have a pot of black beans simmering to go with the pot of rice. We are about halfway up the subdivision on the Maku'u side and the air is totally still, none of the neighborhood dogs or chickens are making any noise, and even the birds are quiet. Very eerie.

Now just watching that big dark blob of water vapor move our way and am glad we are likely to get more rain than wind.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Went for a walk & noticed the stillness, but also quite a few shore birds, up in Keaau town area...2 fairy terns were the ones that caught my eyes...not normally seen around our home (don't remember EVER seeing them this far inland)

Painting would be sooo productive...if I knew this thing was not coming & have cleared away all of the lanai stuff! Maybe tomorrow !
We saw a couple of frigate birds when we were down on the cliffs. They sure ride the winds with ease.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Just got back from some weed whacking on my farm. Breezes just starting up and there are albezia branches hitting the Kalapana Road. Traffic light at Pahoa High School was out. Power is on in Pahoa though.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Past hour in town starting to kick in. Steady 15-18kts along water, stuff blowing around.
Speaking of whacking. Anyone with an old jungle car, today is the day to set car up so wind blows through it, open all doors + put windows down and then beat on seats with hand or racquet to blast some of the dust off the vacuum cannot pull out.

Ok, while prepping, noticed one of my newly planted blueberries was in fruit...but storm prep, then painting prep (yup, painted the house after washing on the day Flossie was here..) forgot about these guys until taking pictures of the fresh paint...thought I would show blueberries 'the day after'
Carey, thanks for posting the photo of your blueberries. I miss having ours in Oregon. What elevation are you? I wonder if they would do well at our place in Hawaiian Shores. We're about 1/2 mile up from the coast. I know that there are some varieties that are doing well in this climate. Which variety do you have?

Thanks for your reply,

Thanks for asking, just went out to get the info off the tag & I got my first ripe blueberry (YUMMM)
We purchased it at the spring BIAN sale & that tag says:
"Novelty Greens Vaccinium Blueberry Emerald"

Wish I could remember the name of the BIAN dealer, but they were smack dab in the middle of the sale....

We are in downtown Keaau, about 400' elev-ish - have heard that birds are a big problem, so planted them in our cattle-bird dog guarded area...

Hope this helps in your quest!
I think the "low-chill" blueberry varietals (emerald, sharps) need to get some time below 50F.

Mine are fruiting; it's about 1200' here.

I've seen them at the BIAN plant sale and sometimes Corey has them at Makuu.

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