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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
plus-i do feel that spraying pesticides, herbacides, and cross pollination, can mess up peoples ideals. a hard working organic farmer,
should not be subject to cross pollination. It doesnt affect, if it is the other way around. I care very much about our land, and the future of
this Island. I personally do not want any Gmo's. and truly do feel they threaten a positive way of life. We, despite being called the big island, are a small portion of land mass. We do not need it, and can sustain without it. Here, the negatives out weigh the positives.
Grow Kalo, all parts can be eaten, and are nutritious, and sustainable.
"Do what you wanna
Do what you will
Just don't mess up
Your neighbor's thrill
'N when you pay the bill
Kindly leave a little tip
And help the next poor sucker
On his one way trip... "
-Frank Zappa
Satan does not exist. Fear is a waste of time. This is food, being consumed. There is no harm to label. Dyes are labeled. They are ingredients. that simple. all ingredients should be labled. If there is no harm, who cares. Those that feel there are, read and don't buy. I have no religious beliefs and could care less if something is labled Kosher, but i don't mind if it is. one asterik saying, GMO or NON
GMO. simple.
... all ingredients should be labled. If there is no harm, who cares. Those that feel there are, read and don't buy. I have no religious beliefs and could care less if something is labled Kosher, but i don't mind if it is. one asterik saying, GMO or NON
GMO. simple.

Or not so simple. There has been a tremendous amount of fear-mongering on GMO foods in an effort to get them banned. If those products, which have been pretty clearly shown not to have adverse health effects are labeled, then they are at a marketing disadvantage. What will the impact be on the consumers' attitudes? If it has to be labelled, there must be something bad about it...?

Let's take a hypothetical: quite a few more people have been sickened by contamination of organic produce (by listeria, salmonella, hepatitis, and other biotoxins) than have been by GMO produce; let's say we require all organic produce to be labelled: "Caution, may contain salmonella, listeria, and hepatitis toxins". That's an absolutely true statement and reflects historical events: how would that go down with the organic food industry? What do you think it would do to organic food sales? I'm for honesty too - but let's ALL be honest...
"We've been through this before. GM food is not harmful so why label for something that isn't harmful?"

Vitamin C, protein, and sodium aren't harmful but they are labeled... Why can't GMOs be labeled I think you forgot to add your reasoning / argument?

"I am yet to find anyone who both understands GM and is at the same time against it."

Maybe if you spent more time talking to people about their beliefs and less time trolling on punaweb you might do just that.
"I'm for honesty too - but let's ALL be honest..."

You are in fact suggesting that we hide the truth, not be honest. I'm at a loss here! Just what is it you are trying to say?
Originally posted by rainyjim

"I'm for honesty too - but let's ALL be honest..."

You are in fact suggesting that we hide the truth, not be honest. I'm at a loss here! Just what is it you are trying to say?

If we are going to label foods for largely irrelevant characteristics (GMO), why not label ALL foods - including those produced organically - for relevant, demonstrated threats?

Of course, we then end up with California's carcinogen warnings where every establishment now has a sign notifying customers that their place of business may contain compounds that cause cancer. So we need to label all products with sugar and fat that they may cause obesity; all seasoned foods that they may contain elevated levels of carcinogens; all mushrooms that they contain mycotoxins; and all foods that they contain biotoxins... It gets a little absurd after a while...
"Kosher" is a good example. There is no legal requirement to label anything kosher or not kosher.
If a food producer chooses to put kosher on their label, it is up to them. Forcing everyone
else to put "non-kosher" on their labels, would you agree to that?

(For kosher read non-GM; for non-kosher read GM)

If anyone wants to put a big label on their produce saying it is Non-GMO then they are welcome to do so.
"Satan does not exist. Fear is a waste of time."

The GM bogeyman doesn't exist either. Fear of something that has been proven safe again and again is indeed a waste of time.
"As I prophesier the GMO Papaya patent will have ownership transferred to Monsanto in the near future."

Has it happened yet?

How about now?
So you're advocating that we hide the truth? Because people have short attention spans? I still don't understand why you don't want us to label them? Why do we have to hide the truth?

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