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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
Food labels are meant for giving nutritional information. Who do you think should decide what goes on there, sculptors?
Anyway, it was put to the vote and the luddites lost. Better luck next time with your irrational scare campaign.

ETA: moistjames is back to playing his amusing game of post-and-delete (or edit).
My post above was in response to a post in which he suggested that scientists have no business deciding what goes on food information labels.
Naiveté abounds...monsanto writes the legislation that governs the USDA, if/when it desires a patent there will be no barriers to stop them. I suggest you do more research in the rise of the corporate state and policy making. When a business can be "too big to fail" then "reality ain't what it used to be".
"if/when it desires a patent"
Just yesterday you said Monsanto would be acquiring a specific patent (papaya) within the "near future". Now it's "if/when"?

You anti-GM people have to get away from this "But Monsanto..." line of reasoning. It doesn't work.
Monsanto is a publicly listed company owned by regular people and they're subject to the law like anyone else.
The bogeyman does not exist.
Rob Tucker, whats your rational for allowing this troll free play?

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troll 2 (trl) n.
1. A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.
2. Anyone on the internet who disagrees with rainyjim.
I think everyone can see both the positives and negative to GMO crops being grown, but to me there are more cons than pros. And nothing is positive about testing in a place as geographically unique as Hawaii (except to the testers themselves). There isn't a need to modify any crop in here anyways. My top reason for staying in the Islands, and sacrificing A LOT to do so, is because it's the best place on Earth to grow anything, everything- Even a family. But plants being spliced with animal genes (It's happening, MAYBE not in Hawaii yet, so don't be ignorant) to make them more efficient in ever changing climatic conditions, or entomological and micro-biological threats? Varieties of tomatoes with Arctic fish DNA to prevent frost damage, Oranges with Pig DNA for bacterial resistance- Spinach the same. I can't even guess how many other wild combinations are in the testing phase, or already implemented and consumed, without a single person's knowledge.

People say messing with stem-cells is playing "God," but that's crap. These countries are growing living tissue and saving humans. Nothing that can't be contain and offers way more benefits to the individual AND society. And these countries that do cutting edge stem-cell do very little GMO-if at all. They label imports that are GMO, and or completely abstain from GMO imports at all...But here in the US of Apathy it's just the opposite. My point is, they're on the right side of technology and not America.

Testing done by the corporations themselves, and then approved and legalized by our plutocratic system. This same systems that literally meets a partial definition for Fascism. The sitting head's of the FDA, and EPA use the revolving door from Monsanto to enact standards for them and against the little guy, to benefit only themselves.. Not to mention a sitting Supreme Court Justice who used to be a top Lawyer at Monsanto. How does that ring good to anyone?! Our political system, that has a very corrupt track record (no one specific and it's a whole other thread if not impossibly endless website), backs this, and you still think it's for the best?! How can you trust our govt to do what's best for us when they've never done so in the past. There isn't one thing the govt has done or stuck their fingers in over the last 100 yrs that has benefited people first and foremost, without having some other bottom line.

Most of the world sees the roots of GMO and the developmental problems in human beings, but the US of Apathy does not. Do some more thorough research about the GMO testing, use alternative media. But be skeptical of everything, not this side or that, is all that I ask.

Read about Oregon's Wheat and how no one will buy it because it's cross-pollinated with test fields. It's the same with our Papaya. Yay, the Papayas are saved- Sort of! The Papaya industry is crap because it is GMO and we can't export that crap to our biggest patron(Japan). So what benefit is it again?! There are many things that can be grown in Kapoho and everywhere else in Hawaii that isn't GMO, and even achieve higher and more sustaining rewards than what the Papaya industry is currently worth in socioeconomic measure.

One single cell of pollen can crash any crop by crashing the market for that crop. Again, Hawaii is unique because it is it's own brand, so don't support the side that aims to ruin, control, and mandate that.

I'll leave you with the fact that the world is starving, but not because there isn't enough food but because they don't have the money to pay for it.

GMOs do nothing but make food economically and nutritionally cheaper and have relatively unknown detrimental effects on both human and nature. That is the bottom line.

>>Edit: My two inflated cents and not so humble opinion. <<

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
See here the level of discourse of the anti-GM crowd. "But Monsanto..." yet again.
I swear, if one more person tells me I need to do "more research"!
And using "alternative media", no less. Alternative, how? Not fact-based?

I'm especially interested in this research that's happening "all without a single person's knowledge". Have the robots taken over?

Throw in a dash of "Fascism", a twist of "US of apathy". Wait, you forgot to label everyone else as sheep.

"Most of the world sees the roots of GMO and the developmental problems in human beings"
What exactly are you saying here?

What is the benefit of GM papaya? You haven't noticed? Haven't seen those fields?
They're just the #1 offenders. I could've typed (in order) Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, Group Limagrain, Bayer Crop, and Trifolium, but it seems too long. Coin an acronym to encompass 85% of the GMO Seed patents and I'll use that.

It's a fact, and those words I use are best suited to our particular political and economic situation. For "A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet," Paul.

What I'm referring to is the effect of GMOs, and the pesticides used on GMOs, have on the human body's endocrine, nervous, digestive, and reproductive systems.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
Paul, care to consider the fact that reef is dying around Hawaii and Big Isle is seemingly the last oasis, or maybe how the EPA recently raised levels for pesticides in the environment? Hello Run-off.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.

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