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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
thats why we read labels..... think it through.... aloha
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

thats why we read labels..... think it through.... aloha

Do you really read labels ??

Nearly everything that you can buy at Home Depot has a label that says it contains ( something ) that causes cancer according to the state of California !!!

How about looking for a label that states "Contains no Gmo's"

They are out there,in the meantime everything that you buy from any of the chain stores is guaranteed to contain Gmo's.

Maybe a a sign at the entrance would be all we need,"Welcome to Kxx everything in the store is GMO."

Greg. You're talking about big Ag harming the rubbah slippah folks. But, Bill 113 does nothing to stop big Ag. Instead it makes the farmers and ranchers who provide 90% of the food produced on the Big Island less competitive. That means rising food costs and rising food cos is what hurts the rubbah slippah folks-- the 99%.
There ARE scientific test to show GMO's are harmful by the way.

Nothing is 100% safe. We would not close Kinoole St. because we are worried that someone walking to UHHilo could get hit in the crosswalk. The Nobel prize is issued to folks against the status quo. But, all the major scientific organizations in the world plus their thousands of members say GMO's are safe. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says Hawaii seniors has the longest life expectancy and quality of life. We eat more GMO papaya per capita than the rest of the nation. Just playing the odds, we should be eating more GMO papayas than less.
You can argue about all the cancer it causes -

More importantly, is that their has been relatively NO research done.

Regardless, of those facts, which we could argue back and forth forever, one thing that is proven and known and is non debatable is that, GMO foods have about 1/4 the nutrients of organically grown food.

Ever wonder why people are obese ? Well if you have to eat 4X your normal food to get the nutrients your body needs, you are probably going to be unhealthy and obese.

Anyway you slice it, GMO's are not good.

I am in favor of banning them completely, shutting down Monsanto and at the VERY least, making GMO labeling a must. If you want to keep making it, that's fine, but give me the opportunity to know what I am eating.

There are reasons Monsanto doesn't even serve GMO food in their OWN cafeteria !
Originally posted by Oneself...
There are reasons Monsanto doesn't even serve GMO food in their OWN cafeteria !

I have heard this before but can not find any supporting documentation.

Do you have a link?
The year old CBS News article pointed at by Oneself is the discredited Seralini study. Just one point, the study touted a number of tumors in the rats studied, but they used a strain of rat that is known to be prone to tumors! The European science agencies reacted like this:

The EFSA [European Food Safety Authority] reviewed the 2009 Séralini paper and concluded that the authors' claims were not supported by the data in their paper, that many of their fundamental statistical criticisms of the 2007 paper also applied to the 2009 paper, and that there was no new information that would change the EFSA's conclusions that the three GM maize types were safe for human and animal health, and for the environment.[29] The French High Council of Biotechnologies Scientific Committee[30] (HCB) also reviewed the Séralini 2009 study and concluded that it "..presents no admissible scientific element likely to ascribe any haematological, hepatic or renal toxicity to the three re-analysed GMOs."[31] The HCB also questioned the authors' independence, noting that, in 2010, the Séralini web page still showed a 2008 Austrian anti-GM article which had been previously withdrawn by the authors themselves as flawed. Food Standards Australia New Zealand concluded that the results from the 2009 Séralini study were due to chance alone.éralini_affair
gmo laws:

last in health care and gmo regulation......
Richard says:
"Instead it makes the farmers and ranchers who provide 90% of the food produced on the Big Island less competitive."

First of all; the ninety percent you speak of only produce a small fraction of the food we consume here. The vast majority is imported.

Second; If the farmers and ranchers that produce the ninety percent can't see that people want more sustainable farming methods, they indeed will suffer a loss in profit(your agricultural yardstick).

What do you think is going to happen? Do you think people are going to starve, or are the 10% of farmers that practice sustainable agriculture going to grow in numbers?

What about us "Rubbah Slippah" folk? For one, we can grow a lot of organic produce in our own back yard. Two charter schools on the Island; HAAS and Connections, are developing an automatic compact, inexpensive, organic hydroponic system that puts out a larger yeild than a much larger conventional garden. It does this with almost no maintenance, weeding or watering. Us Rubbah Slippah folks just go out and pick a fresh salad daily, without worrying about pesticides, growth hormones, chemical preservatives, or the profits of farmers who choose to grow with them.

Look for inexpensive workshops in Hilo and Puna soon, to get people started.

The loss of profits for the ninety percent won't be because of County legislation, it will be because they won't adjust to consumer needs.

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