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Medical Marijuana
There are so many other elements that make marijuana the wonderful plant that it is.

Exactly this. Researchers (in non-US countries with less draconian policies, of course) have discovered a broad range of chemical compounds (delta-9-tetrahydracannibanoids being the most "famous") that occur in varying concentrations and ratios. Selective breeding has created a variety of specialty strains which have different medicinal effects, such as the low-THC/high-CBD varietals being used to treat seizures.

What we need here is a State-sanctioned UH research project... issue "research" permits to anyone who wants one, on the condition that they send back samples for analysis...
Every time there has been a research project done in the states that indicated any good from the plant the funding was pulled. Hemp and its relatives can be used for so many things besides medical uses. Fuel oils, Textiles, Plastics and thats just a start.

It goes far beyond the propaganda of "reefer madness" and those who seek to keep it illegal based on competitive basis.
Own 3 Dispensaries in Denver, and Breed Strains. Won the High Times Caregiver Cup in 09 for my strain called "Bruce Banner". Derrick Barnicoat knows his stuff. CBD is where its at for medicinal properties, we test all our strains in a gas chromatography lab. Lately there has been a shift in breeding towards high CBD and low THC. Colorado just went recreational on jan 1 opening to long lines and high prices, my experience with the business side and politics of going legal has well, been an experience. 800 shops in metro denver (more than mcdonalds, and starbucks combined) led to intense price wars, resulting in shrinking profit, strict regulation, big money coming in and killing the mom and pop, strain hording, strain name changing, backstabbing biz partners, tons of "Nancy Botwins" (weeds) housewives, or failed real estate types knowing nothing about cannabis or its medicinal properties want to get in on the "green rush" producing grade crap quality meds and forced to sell for 25% of the going value because of its garbage quailty. the reality is its a business, and not an easy one. better experience than my econ101 college days. thousands of people lost there life savings, tons of people were scammed by con-men, most every group of friends who started a dispensary, now loath there once best friends. (I know this happened to me) The regulation board was/is corrupt.

With that said, its all a good thing that it happened and Im proud to be one of the first 15 shops open in CO. The amount of sales tax I send the state of CO each month is insane (30% tax now). As a resident of Hawaii now I thought about bringing Mason Tvert of "Safer" to Hawaii and introducing the same bills we introduced here in CO for legalization on HI. The most recent passage of Gay marriage rights makes me think its time for Hawaii to take the next step toward recreational legalization possibly. If the people want it.

LOL kinda a rant for my 1st post but to answer the OP question, I know a few DRs on big island you can see for a script. or any questions about the biz and misconceptions I be happy to clear up. Im not a stupid stoner. Im a businessman and a compassionate one who gives away lbs to the sick every month.


P.S. u can see Jon Stewart clown me on the Daily Show here.. (I know know how editing works lol)
"As a resident of Hawaii now I thought about bringing Mason Tvert of "Safer" to Hawaii and introducing the same bills we introduced here in CO for legalization on HI."

Hi. Aloha even. And welcome to puna, and punaweb.

Couple questions.

1). What does "mason tvert of "safer" mean?

2). You state you are a resident of hawaii, then state "bills we introduced here in CO" leaving me a little confused? You may own property in both states but you can only have formal residency as recognized by the state by any one single state at a time. So, which state are you technically a resident of? I am just curious.

Aloha mai Kakou
Originally posted by rainyjim

"As a resident of Hawaii now I thought about bringing Mason Tvert of "Safer" to Hawaii and introducing the same bills we introduced here in CO for legalization on HI."

Hi. Aloha even. And welcome to puna, and punaweb.

Couple questions.

1). What does "mason tvert of "safer" mean?

2). You state you are a resident of hawaii, then state "bills we introduced here in CO" leaving me a little confused? You may own property in both states but you can only have formal residency as recognized by the state by any one single state at a time. So, which state are you technically a resident of? I am just curious.

Aloha mai Kakou

Aloha! I may have spoke to soon on the Hawaii residence issue, and you brought up an interesting point I hadn't thought of really. I must remain a resident of Colorado to maintain my ownership stake in my MMJ businesses. (I had to give CO my pwer of attorney to own a dispensary, insane huh! Thats another thread) Although I have land, a car, and a building permit, and foundation so far in Hawaii, My Drivers License is from CO. But my Jeep on the big island is register to my CO house, with HI tags from a dealer...

I was given the numbers for 3 diff docs (from my architect of all people) and had lunch with his grower buddy who was interested in my business. He explained to me (possibly incorrectly) that I would get a address when I got my building permit, and I could then get a Hawaii ID card (not a DL)followed by a med card (with qualifing condtion which I have). Sorry if I mis spoke or relayed incorrect info. I do not have the HI card at the moment and yr comment made me go looking for my address on my building permit paperwork and Im not seeing it? might not get it til final inspection?

I wonder if what you say about legaly only being allowed to reside in one state will hamper me getting a HI med card? interesting..

I plan to bounce back and forth between my houses (small houses, not rich by any means) as I please, I have no credit cards, no morgages, no car loans, I build my houses slowly with cash, Im an Urban Farmer who gives his accountant headaches lol I would like to have a med card in each state tho, and Im hoping the ID card will suffice in HI like it would in CO.

As to your question as to who is mason tvert and the safer organization? He is a friend and a super bright young mind that I met at the university of boulder during his campaign to reduce campus penalties and bring them inline with alcohol reprimands toting the campaign slogan "marijuana is safer than alcohol" after winning at a college campus, he went on to bring the campaign to a state level with success, for the first time in history. Mason now spends his time working with other states to bring them into legalization.. when I spoke to him about Hawaii he said he had not worked on it ... yet.

Im not new to the islands by any means, went to college at HPU on Oahu, fell in love with the big isle, I dont have my pulse on the island not being on it at the moment but I saw the pot preacher go down in Hilo by the Feds. Not a very good idea to use the religion defense for marijuana it has no precedent of success. ballsy but not smart.
Originally posted by Jason808yr comment made me go looking for my address on my building permit paperwork and Im not seeing it? might not get it til final inspection?

Your physical address should have been listed on your bldg permit. It is assigned when your plans go through the Planning Dept for sig.

If it waited till buildings were finaled here, very few would have them! Smile
lol on second look there it is right in front of my face.. occupational hazard .. things get fuzzy sometimes
Hawaii politicians haven't even provided for safe access for med. users. How that attitude can be stretched to legalizing rec. use is beyond me. Morons.
NOW then here is another MORONS thought. Colorado's pot prices have doubled recently and the state of Colorado stands to make much more $$$. Maybe Hawaii will see the dollars behind the movement and start making changes to help cover pensions and rail?. This state of Hawaii did not listen to its people or the way people even voted the last decade or three. In fact only arrested more people and took more property to help cover budgets. Now since the state can see more money this other direction expect things to Finally start changing(military or not). It should be interesting how Roger Cristie's case is handled, was he really as bad for the community as he was made out to be?. Why or how can someone be denied bail, or not given the same rights as others, or be called a terrorists or treated like one?. So many other community members here in Puna have been caught in a very large grey area around these ( med mar cards). They have had their families torn apart, homes taken, land seized, Lawyer savings used, jobs, and reputations ruined after applying and receiving their medical marijuana cards or believing this lowest priority law that is not recognized in our great state?.
Are these community members sacrificial lambs who were ahead of their time?. Is Marijuana worst than Alcohol or just not as well funded at the moment?. My prediction is that Puna gets its first dispensary by 2015 and Roger will not run the show, Hawaiians and pain management clubs will. Same-sex marriage and safer medicinal options than prescriptions and Alcohol are some pretty good changes my parents did not see in their lifetimes only hoped too.
P.S These are only my opinions. MY one and only mother died at 56 years young right here in Hawaiian beaches due to an allergic reaction to a prescription DRUG and slow medical response being in such a rural area (she would have been happy to just smoke a joint instead of swallowing that pill). One was legal and easy to get, the other illegal and too costly without insurance. R.I.P love you mom.
Preach! nicely written sir

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