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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof

Senator go to the top of this page. I referred to your own column on the Big Island Weekly. I said, the scientists are asking; where is the proof? The Senator needs t o hold himself to a high standard. It isn't the appearance of the conflict that is a problem. It's
your refusal to quote your sources.
Mahalo Russell, for your response.

I'm not a scientist, but know that it's counter intuitive to believe that food containing chemicals and other synthetic compounds are as good for me as food grown naturally using compost, mulch and time tested methods.

It's also counter intuitive to think that food sprayed/injected/fed these compounds don't absorb them.

Worried about e-coli? wash your vegetables, it will get the bacteria off(but not the absorbed insecticide.)

Richard has stated many times previously that he quit organic because it wasn't profitable for him. Now he attempts to convince us his motives are altruistic; Right.

Keep up the good fight Russell! I would feel betrayed if a Natural Foods entrepreneur promoted anything except healthy choices.
This is the column the senator wrote

By Russell Ruderman
With so much interest in the Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) debate lately, I will be writing a series of articles about some of the issues involved. For this first installment, I’d like to clear up some confusion about Bt corn. Some folks mistakenly believe that since Bt spray is acceptable in organic farming, then Bt corn, a GMO product, must also be inherently safe. They are two very different things.

Bt refers to Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacteria which produces a toxin that kills many insects. The toxin destroys the digestive system of insects. It has long been used as a spray to kill caterpillars and other bugs. When sprayed externally on a plant, Bt kills the insects but is not absorbed into the plant. It is easily rinsed off by rain or hand washing. When the crop is harvested, little or no Bt toxin remains. In this form, it is safe for the plants and the humans or animals that ingest them.

With Bt corn (or cotton or soybeans), as manufactured by Monsanto and other chemical companies, the Bt bacteria has been artificially inserted into the genes of the plant, and every cell of the plant produces the Bt toxin. The crop (corn or soy) as well as all other parts of the plant, such as stalks, leaves, and roots, contain Bt toxin. Basically every cell produces Bt toxin throughout the plants life. In this case, the Bt toxin is ingested by humans or animals eating the GMO Bt crop, and large amounts of Bt toxin enter the soil as the tillage remains behind.

In GMO Bt crops, we are consuming the toxin with every bite, and this poison builds up in our bodies and in the fields. There have been several scientific studies showing ill effects in humans and animals from such high quantities of Bt toxin. And as a result of this new widespread use, Bt-resistant strains of bugs have now developed for the first time. Tellingly, Bt corn itself is listed as a pesticide with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In a human study, Bt bacteria were found to have transferred to the normal bacteria in the gut lining in subjects that ate Bt corn, creating a toxin-producing bacteria culture inside human digestive systems. In a future column I will discuss such health studies in more depth.

About 85 percent of the corn in the U.S. food supply is now GMO corn, including Bt Corn, while most other modern nations have not allowed this product in their food. Some countries that allow it require it to be labeled as GMO. Since GMO products are not labeled in the U.S., if one wishes to avoid ingesting Bt toxin, there are two choices. One can avoid corn and corn products entirely, or look for “non-GMO” or organic corn ingredients. GMO products, including Bt corn, cannot be labeled organic.

So there is a world of difference between the safe spray application of Bt to plants compared to the high levels of ingested and environmental Bt toxin that result from genetically modified Bt corn.
So what...

The law was passed by the county council whats with your vendetta against Ruderman?

Is he in direct competition with your businesses product? Do you stand to benefit by discrediting him and his views?

You may have farmed here for sometime, but get with the picture - people want organic food and not GMO - if you have a problem with that maybe its time YOU move somewhere else.

Our state senator has more important things to do than reply to your pointless questions and attacks...if you want to help the aina and keiki like you so love to tout then why don't you do something productive - other than trying to discredit your businesses competition under the guise of for the aina and keiki. (That you spray poison on).
"So what..."


A sitting state senator should be held to a higher standard !!

How can this person post false statements and not be prosecuted is amazing.

Proof that Hawaii needs a re-call law !!!


You previously posted that Richard Ha was spraying poison all over the island and then you just posted this,"(That you spray poison on)."

I think you have crossed a line where you might need a lawyer !



You might want to read this,E Coli can be transferred though seeds.

Rainy Jim, let's start here. Food security involves farmers farming. If the farmer makes money, the farmer will farm. How do we achieve food security without leaving the most defenseless behind? In no particular order, the basics to successfully get all of us to an uncertain future.
1- Every organism, organization, civilization needs to generate excess energy or it will go extinct.
2- The energy it takes to get energy minus the energy it takes to get your food equals your lifestyle.
3- Its a matter of comparative risk.
4- Agriculture and Energy are inextricably tied together.
5- The scientific method is a solid launch platform for planning.
6- the aloha spirit needs to be with us in the future. The more one gives, the more one receives .

Let's talk about the future.

Permie. Keep in mind that we are located in the humid sub tropics. And, there is no winter to kill off the bugs and reset the clock. Insects,weeds and diseases love it here.
I supported Sen. Ruderman in the last election because I believed he would do a good job representing our interests in Honolulu but I'm unclear as to his credentials to be an authority on GMOs.

Obie. You absolutely understand what is at stake!, Mahalo!

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