Take absolutely everything I say with a grain of salt, she asked me to help with the campaign.
For most of the people in Puna, yes, this is the website that they would care about:
I can honestly say that for the rest of the people on Earth, they probably care more about this one:
Aunty is a world ambassador of aloha. She teaches ho'opono pono classes at Hawaiian Sanctuary, where she also sits on the Board. I can honestly tell you that when she asked for help I was stunned that she was getting into politics at all. I met her when I first came to the island more than eight years ago and every time I speak with her I feel as if she has one eye on me and one eye on the ancestors! (pretty much what her own site says) You can also check me out at
www.WellnessWithAloha.com to see who I am and what I do, as you see I know a few elders on the island, no she and I never actually worked together but in my experience Aunty is one of the cleanest and most pono people on the planet and one of the finest representatives of her people and her principles that a person could find.
Which is all why when she came to me and said "politics", after they applied the smelling salts, I was all in!
All that aside, you will find from her record of accomplishments that she is a do-er, not a talker. She believes in applied principles, not spoken ones. And as you will find, she has a sense higher than her own of what is pono.
When we set up the event, I can only invite you to come and experience her energy for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Malama pono