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Terrorist in Pahoa
@ rainyjim: In what crazy world do you live where it's OK to set bombs under any circumstances? Just because they are timed to go off when you think nobody will be around doesn't mean you won't kill or maim somebody. People have the damndest way of showing up when they're not supposed to. And what about property damage? Oink is right.
Originally posted by rainyjim

Were your feelings hurt? That took a real personal tone real quick.

Did you miss the part where the bombs were set to explode when no one was around?

I guess you missed the part were the second bomb contained nails and was designed to injure or kill 1st responders.
Obie - the nail bomb was a separate incident. Lovely chap nevertheless. Wouldn't harm a fly. Allegedly.

You're right, however , he is still accused of trying to kill 1st responders !

On August 28, 2003, two sophisticated homemade bombs exploded approximately one hour apart, at the Chiron Corporation in Emeryville, California, causing minor property damage but no injuries. The FBI believes the second bomb was timed to target first responders. Another bomb, wrapped with nails to produce shrapnel, exploded on September 26, 2003 at the Shaklee Corporation in Pleasanton, California, again causing damage but no casualties. The bombs used ammonium nitrate explosives and mechanical timers.

I wonder if Puna Pono paid his airfare ??
250k reward! I'll definitely be on the lookout for this nutcase. I might even visit a health food store.

Rainyjim, your inability to use quotes properly is only slightly less offensive than your support for suspected terrorists.
By the way, it's "try to ", not "try and".
I grew up in a country that was targeted by terrorists. They laid bombs wherever they could. Much of my extended family had to emigrate to Canada because of these people, while the rest of us wondered when and where the next bomb would go off. Some of the bombs killed children, but the terrorists apologised saying the bomb wasn't meant for the children. How could they know who would be near a bomb or not?

Defending anyone who plants a bomb is beyond my understanding. That they did what the IRA carried out back in the 70-90s, that is planting bombs to target either first responders or people being evacuated, *and* using nail bombs designed to maim or kill as many people as possible, is just stunning.

I just can't believe so many people have just brushed this off, and now he's a freedom fighter.
I couldn't be more for animal rights. Couldn't be more against violent protest.Can you say fanatic.I wouldn't want to defend the government tactics either.If you try to blow up people or others property you need to be stopped.So good luck punatics stay safe.Nothing would be more puna like than for someone to collect the reward and donate it to Rainbow no kill shelter..
Originally posted by TomK
I don't know what others think, but I certainly am not willing to defend someone who allegedly sets a bomb to hurt first responders or uses a nail bomb - the latter is hardly designed just to do some property damage or make a point.
I agree, I'm not defending his actions - merely critquing the allocation of resources.

Originally posted by Chunkster

@ rainyjim: In what crazy world do you live where it's OK to set bombs under any circumstances?
your sensationalism is undeserved, nowhere do I condone what you have tried to construe me as saying, politely - **** off.

Originally posted by Chunkster

Oink is right.
the world I live in opinions are just that opinion - you are free to believe what you choose

Originally posted by PaulW

Rainyjim, your inability to use quotes properly is only slightly less offensive than your support for suspected terrorists.
By the way, it's "try to ", not "try and".
I in no way support or condone any terrorism, again - I was critiquing our governments allocation of resources - show me one place where I support suspected terrorists - your continual grammar nazi drivel is tiring - have you been online before ? we're not authoring dissertations - this is a minimal time investment.

Originally posted by TomK

I grew up in a country that was targeted by terrorists. They laid bombs wherever they could. Much of my extended family had to emigrate to Canada because of these people, while the rest of us wondered when and where the next bomb would go off. Some of the bombs killed children, but the terrorists apologised saying the bomb wasn't meant for the children. How could they know who would be near a bomb or not?
Defending anyone who plants a bomb is beyond my understanding. That they did what the IRA carried out back in the 70-90s, that is planting bombs to target either first responders or people being evacuated, *and* using nail bombs designed to maim or kill as many people as possible, is just stunning.
I just can't believe so many people have just brushed this off, and now he's a freedom fighter.

I am not defending the actions or justifying bombing - find one place where I said either of those.

congratulations for making a big deal out of nothing - maybe you guys could get together for tea and brainstorm on ways to waste my tax dollars and continue the status quo.

I've been online for over 20 years so if you can beat that then you win a shiny button.

If you don't want me to help you not sound uneducated then please say so!
Yes, I can tell you put minimal effort into your posts. How about re-reading them at least once before hitting the Post button?

Excuse me, I thought you said this guy didn't deserve to be on the most wanted list because his shrapnel-laced bombs hadn't killed anybody yet. I believe you also called him a "freedom fighter"! (Note the correct use of quotes there)

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