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Contradictions of Historic Preservation and Sustai
Well, at least there will be a new park someday, complete with debt service and maintenance -- obviously a better use of our tax dollars than rezoning Pahoa to encourage new business.
Originally posted by kalakoa

Well, at least there will be a new park someday, complete with debt service and maintenance -- obviously a better use of our tax dollars than rezoning Pahoa to encourage new business.

Pele may well take care of the re-zoning and urban renewal for us before too long...
Pele may well take care of the re-zoning and urban renewal for us before too long...

Then there's really no need for County interference, is there?
Sustainability as is touted today is nothing less than Agenda 21 by the UN. This is exactly the issue being played out in Nevada today with the BLM trying to kick the last cattle rancher off land he owns the cattle grazing right to. The BLM is trying to take over all public lands and screw everyone. The "sustainability" agenda and all its sicko side wash plans can go to hell. The people of Pahoa can do what ever they like with their little town and anyone who thinks otherwise can go to hell too.
Let's turn a discussion about sustainability in Puna into a Tea Party, anti Climate Change, conspiracy rant.

Or not.........
This topic is framed on "Sustainability" and Pahoa.
There's no "Theory" about it -
Get informed:
"Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.[1] It is a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st Century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences."
Now if someone on here wants to talk about applying "sustainability" to Pahoa then the topic is based on exactly what's outlined above and BS'ing yourself otherwise is nonsense.

Agenda 21! You obviously don't know how everyone laughs when they hear that. It's like Black Helicopters.
Thanks for the clarification Wao;

At first I thought you were referring to the agenda 21 paranoia currently sweeping the Tea Bag movement;

In which Tea Baggers have trained their sights on a new and insidious target: local planning and zoning commissions, which Limbaugians believe are carrying out a global conspiracy to trample American liberties and force citizens into Orwellian "human habitation zones."

Mother Jones Article

Local tie-in; The Windward Planning Commission isn't affiliated with the United Nations; Or the Galactic Space Confederation.
President George Bush was one of the 178 heads of government who signed the final text of the agreement at the Earth Summit in 1992

Originally posted by PaulW

Agenda 21! You obviously don't know how everyone laughs when they hear that. It's like Black Helicopters.

The laughter of the ignorant? I rather doubt everyone is that uninformed.

It's very simple, there are those who pay attention and read about global politics and so on, the informed.
Then we have the uninformed, that laugh at the term "agenda 21" and begin thinking "conspiracy" "tea party", never realizing the Agenda is a very real thing and consequently these same uninformed people have no idea what its actually about or what its tied to.

So laugh, laugh a lot, the world is all fun and games to you with no consequence. We'll all see just how long that ignorant laughter last.

Now, the topic is sustainability of Pahoa... anyone of you highly informed folks here care to share with us what that means? From policy to dirt?

Since the topic hinges on "Sustainability" applied to Pahoa. The first thing to do is read through "Agenda 21", the parent program. It should be available within the wiki link. When you've finished reading through it, lets talk about how it should be applied to Pahoa. Fair enough?
Since many of you are democrats, here's a link for democrats should you elect not to read the Agenda for yourselves.


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