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Hawaiian Acres Roads
You can always tell the newcomers by the way they refer to our roads as, "Road One," instead of "One Road," "Road C," instead of "C Road," etc... Wink

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
I have no horse in this fight I dont live in the acres but a friend of mine who has lived there for 30 years was at my house the other night said he would not use one road at night because of the big potholes in the paved parts saying it is the worse he has seen in long time.

Yes, lawsuit. Bring it on. Just make sure it's against County's grant of subdivision.
Road One is the way it is because we volunteers that have been maintaining it for years are on strike. Myself, my son ,Weldin' Sheldon and a few others have been the ones that get the hot mix, and fix the potholes. Using my truck, my trailer, my compacter, my fuel... The road corp paid for the material only. Last year I got fed up. The few dollars that came in to the road corp went mostly to F Road and we were ignored up here on One. In years past there would be enough money left over to pave over some of the worst spots to help keep the road passable. No more. I made the decision to let people see what happens when they're on their own. The road sucks.
I'm glad Bananahead enjoys the situation on the road. It is dangerous. A year or so ago, Weldin' Sheldon was driving on Road One and saw an old man on the side of the road. He had hit one of the submerged potholes and bent two rims and blew out both tires. He had a heart condition and just sat there waiting for help. Sheldon was able to help him out and eventually get him on his way. Even though I thought I knew where the big holes were, one night a new one appeared and I hit it at 20 mph and bent my rim and screwed up my tire also.
A few years back a woman joined the Road Committee. I'm not sure why she was there but she was hellbent on destruction. All meetings descended into chaos. When she finally was booted out she stole the list of addresses of lot owners and wrote letters to many advising them not to pay their road dues because the road committee was an illegal organization. It was effective. Lots less money coming in now.
I'm hoping that the residents will begin to realize that we're all in this together and rather than wait for someone else to fix the roads they will help come up with a solution. I don't see any other solution besides mandatory road fees. I don't want to see HPP style roads out here but I would like to know that I can make it home at night without causing some expensive damage. I moved here before there was any pavement on Road One. The drive to the hospital when my wife went into labor was one of the longest drives of my life. Every pothole was agony for her.
Does Bananhead think it's not going to get worse?
Sorry Peter, we can't help you. You called it Road One instead of One Road. You must be new and therefore your opinion does not count.

Sarcasm - free of charge ;-)
dirt / gravel and substandard roads are tough - we are faced with the same issues in a cabin tract - we banded together and bought an old d-9

we blade the road - after it rains the kids from the flat lands come up in dads suv and have a ball (sarcasm intended)

takes about a week to destroy a flat dirt road
Originally posted by Delta9r

You can always tell the newcomers by the way they refer to our roads as, "Road One," instead of "One Road," "Road C," instead of "C Road," etc... Wink...

I was thinking the exact same thing. Or they use Moho instead of 8 rd.

But I cant go visit my friend on 4/ c-d because I only have a sedan. Sad
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
Folding after you're served with a C&D is part of the problem, just like those who go ahead an pay their fine for traffic tickets issued on the "private" roads.

These issues really need to go before a judge -- I fully expect a pro-County ruling at the local level, but that can be appealed...
Well I am torn about this, on one side I agree with the fact that no one should be going over 15 mph on those roads and this is just common sense from reading everyone's input but on the other I believe the roads should be in decent shape and that everyone should pitch in a little extra. It is obvious that the nicer the roads = the more people speed and unfortunately this very 'rustic" solution seems to work but is unacceptable at best.

Yes, I am new and I really could not give two rat tails that some of you have been living there since the first volcano emerged from the ocean floor. Respect is earned by good deeds not by merely existing. I'm retired so I am not taking anyone's job and in fact will be pumping money into the local economy come from California but have lived all over including Japan where people are so cramped yet so civil so it boggles my mind that everyone living under a lake bed of magma which could annihilate everything at a moments notice can't seem to get along better.

I am nice to everyone but unlike Jesus, I don't give second chances and I respect everyone's privacy as I want mine respected. Plus I never sugar coat words, people who do are harder to trust.

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
Wow, aim a newbie on this board, but what a whine fest....( probably get tossed on that) but what the heck. Go on strike on the dues, but whine about holes in the road. Don't make sense to me. What make sense- strike on dues, but maintain road in front of your place by filling hole with asphalt patch or base, or cinder. Eventually turn back to dirt or gravel road, no big bump. That way everybody chip in on road equally. My .02 cents worth, that's all. Sorry but I'm finding the newer people expect the County and the Association to jump the minute they speak without lifting a finger to help. It takes a true community to work together on a solution, not a complaint in an "association". Mahalo for being somewhat kind to this newbie on the board here, I know something is coming my way....

Are you a human being, or a human doing?

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