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HACA Special Election
its not fear mongering, but bringing the facts of what is going on to the residents. as residents we have a right to know whats happening. those facts have not always been made public at the meetings with both HACA and HARC.
it does not matter who sits in the board seats, new people or same old people the law suit , and receivership continue , as it is the corporation "Hawaiian acres community association" and HARC that are being sued. the corporation is the entity that is in litigation.
so changing the board in the middle of this is strange . the new board (if that happens ) will inherit the burden.
I think you're being dreadfully unfair to the original Gladys Kravitz.
She witnessed a ton of weird stuff happen, but nobody ever believed her.

If you had a neighbor that saw that kind of stuff (houses disappeared!), wouldn't you want them to take some kind of action? Gladys tried her best to resolve things directly with Samantha, who treated her like dirt, or talk them through with her husband, who thought she was crazy.

And the poor woman had the added troubles of being raised in a time when women literally had nothing better to do than spy on the neighbors. She was poorly educated, untrained for any useful work, and was probably deeply disappointed to not have children.

To make matters worse, she was married to Abner (I mean, c'mon!), and was transformed midway through the show's run into a whole other person (laying the groundwork for Doctor Who).

If she lived today, Gladys would probably be head of the neighborhood watch, and a valued member of her community. I think you owe a sincere apology for maligning this sitcom character!

Originally posted by moosecock

there was a sitcom called bewitched ,, in it was a lady named Gladys kravitz ,, she was the neighborhood nosy busy body ,, always causing trouble where none existed before,, snooping into everyone's business and always making life hard and unhappy for everyone in her neighborhood !

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
It's is misinformation if you share only the bits of truth that suit you. You deliberately made it sound as if that was the sole and stated purpose of the meeting

#65279;#65279;#65279;The purpose of the meeting is to remove one or more of the board of directors. Why? because of bad faith in negotiating with the membership. Example: No membership quorum has been established since July of last year, 2013 when the membership was told they could not vote on HACA business. HACA is a membership controlled corporation. No Membership list has been able to be generated by the corporation in response to membership request to garner proxy votes. This Leaves quorum numbers to the board discretion without membership input subverting the democratic process. No verifiable source of membership eligibility. Also, allocation of membership funds. Projected budget for 2014 contains eight to twelve thousand in cost for board and officer insurance. May board meeting added an additional five thousand in funds to be allocated for attorney fees to fight the Attorney General of Hawaii's request for information that is required to be submitted in compliance with Hawaii Charitable Non Profit Tax designation. This is not a board that has the community's best interest in mind. How do these people claim they represent the best interest of the Hawaiian Acres Community? If you are interested check out Facebook Acre Heads page. There are some posts that address this issue and letters form the Hawaii Attorney General's office have been posted by concerned residents.
Let the cards fall where they will.
It will be a fresh day in all of HA when the general population of HA will be freely able to attend meetings that are drug and alcohol free and be able to see correct finances of both organizations .
If it takes a few court actions to accomplish this,bring it on.
Every subdivision in East Hawaii Island has had this sort of thing happen.For better or for worse.
It is not a TV sitcom - it is the real thing.
My wife and i welcome this as it is so long over due.
And to Mr Hate and Moose bow tow - this is a friendly board and not one of HATE and other devilish remarks towards a member of any ones community .
We as a strong local ohana , praise the gumption of the person or persons trying to find the truth in a peaceful manner.
It is about honesty and fairness,not about hate and being a bully and mean.
I believe the oath that people take to serve as representatives for the community as a whole should be followed .
Only the courts can do the discovery phases and if it involves looking at all bank transactions,then so be it.
We as a family will welcome open books and honesty with both HACA and HARC .

~~~ Maui Built~~~
[quote]Originally posted by monkeywrangler

#65279;#65279;#65279;If you are interested check out Facebook Acre Heads page. There are some posts that address this issue and letters form the Hawaii Attorney General's office have been posted by concerned residents.
[/quote) I couldn't see this on the face book page or is this a different page??

Oh, and welcome Smile

justthefacts and 2bad4u must be related to Gladys kravitz ,,, seems they both share the same bad attitude and small mind. please im begging you ,,,JUST LEAVE ,, Afghanistan needs you ,, they would even pay for your moving expenses ,,and give you a job way better than mopping the prison floors ,, just a thought !
as for the troubles that face us as residents of the acres,,, it would seem that since every subdivision in Hawaii has had similar problems and most found solutions thru the courts,,and those that didn't found their answers thru the hard work and diligence of the very people who struggle thru these troubles . people slinging mud,, disinformation only cloud the waters and make the situation much worse. if you don't like it here ,, and you aren't willing to help change what we have,, than please just leave !
to gp33 ,,, you are so right it is scary,,,why cant others see the clarity of your comment,, please forward a copy to Gladys kravitz ,,

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