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Recent flow activity
Thanks for the video...

Check out above link if you really want to know what's going on. Some really good pictures in there. Smile

June 17 - latest map. Just getting wider... Next update is due out soon.

According to the map, if you just look up Kahakai Blvd, you'd see the glow if there was one. I didn't see anything thing from my lot. Tho, one should really see it around longs drugs or looking back up from the pahoa dump.
Thank you everyone for all the updates. Enjoyed reading your updates! It is fascinating seeing the earth produce new land.

A youtube I watched this evening that you might enjoy of a crater and the flow. Halemaumau Crater (6/19/14-6/26/14) 41 seconds.

mella l

Art and Science Our Future
mella l
Art and Science
today there was a very abrupt change & a new (add & Edited)) vent that opened ing & generated a flank flow on the north side of Pu`u O`o with a new flank flow generating a new flow on top of the older flow from this episode, along with the more "normal" spots of flow extension. This new flow is heading down the north flack of the Pu`u O`o cinder cone and is flowing to the north (away from the ocean):

new map:
It's backed up a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if it started flowing back toward Kalapana soon.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Thanks Carey...

Was gonna add the new map. Looks like it has not advanced towards 130 in a long while. A good thing! Looks like it's creeping towards Eden Roc or Hawaiian Acres. Super slow tho.
flowing out the top side (north), down hill will be towards Kololi Pt. .... not Eden Roc, etc.

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Wow. This is way cool.. there's always been some sort of upper limit on how much stress that cone can handle. keep in mind that the way things are the lava held within it is essentially perched something like 500 feet above the surrounding landscape.. and the lava is hot in that it will melt the containing rock.. which itself is just 'frozen' lava.. i.e. it can 'thaw out' given the right conditions. What this event doesn't bode well for is any wish for the resumption of activity back towards the open ocean on the south side of kilauea. That is unless there's another breach of this type on the south flank of the edifice. otherwise this sorta seals the deal on the north side distribution system. As I said.. wow!
The web cams were really lit up last night, with a super bright glow that reflected back from the sky.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
New update in past few minutes, lava to K2 lava tube may be cut off.

Recent Observations of the Kahauale`a 2 flow: It is possible that yesterday's activity cut off the lava supply within the Kahauale`a 2 lava tube. PNcam views yesterday and overnight showed stationary glowing spots on breakouts at the north base of Pu#699;u #699;#332;#699;#333; cone and wispy smoke plumes, with a few glowing spot at night in the distance. Yesterday morning, HVO geologists found the most distant Kahauale`a 2 breakouts still active extending extending 7.1 km (4.4 mi) northeast from the Pu#699;u #699;#332;#699;#333; vent (see map). From this morning's webcam views, it's clear that the flow is still hot but is far less active than prior to the June 27 collapse. We should know with more certainty over the next few days whether the Kahauale`a 2 lava flow has stalled.


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