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Party Rooster
very nice

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'
I had to catch a rooster. My first attempt, much to the amusement of the neighbors, was me running around in my underwear and gumboots in the early morning with a fishing net lashed to a bamboo pole but the little bugger was just too fast. Then the wife found the 22 rifle I borrowed under the bed and chewed mu ass off. Then I put out a pile of seed and over several days I moved the seed pile closer and closer to the house, then up the steps and then into the hallway. Eventually the rooster went into the hall and from where I was watching through a side window, I ran around the corner and shut the door thus locking the bird inside the hall. Then the hand to wing combat ensued and fortunately it was a smaller banty rooster and not a big fighting rooster as my eventual victory was by no means a foregone conclusion. Happily the rooster then went to a new home.
I hope the new home was sealed and pressurized and is tenderizing yon bird at the moment with some herbs and spices.

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