Remember we were not going after Graham Ellis or VGS; we were going after a piece of legislation, SB2274, the so called sustainable research bill. This bill introduced by Sen. Ruderman was done as a favor to Graham Ellis and that bill would have taken away our right to have a say about what commercial or industrial operations might occur right next store. It appears that the one of the true motives for the 'sustainability' bill was to conceal wrongdoings taking place in the State forest. Had the bill passed no one would have been the wiser.
Maybe this is why when we first questioned Sen. Ruderman about SB2274 he replied "It is about who gets to live on State land."
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If the ohia came from somebody clearing their lot, it might be understandable. But to just go on to state land and cutting down ohia right and left is not "sustainable living". No sane person is going to see that as "sustainable living". Yeah, just one "circus" does it, what is the harm? What if every joe blow transplant now decides that is the way to go. In fact, stupid Hawaiians, never figured out how to make ohia log cabins like smart white men know how to do. Look at this, ohia log cabins, made from FREE wood. Some of you are really starting to sound like a-hole' haole.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
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to just go on to state land and cutting down ohia right and left is not "sustainable living"
No argument here -- I just think the timing is quite "convenient", and I'm left wondering how DLNR missed this, nor can I imagine that nobody complained before now.
Then again, people have been complaining about the roads for the last fifty years, and nothing's getting done about that either...
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You said: "If the ohia came from somebody clearing their lot, it might be understandable. But to just go on to state land and cutting down ohia right and left is not "sustainable living". No sane person is going to see that as "sustainable living". Yeah, just one "circus" does it, what is the harm? What if every joe blow transplant now decides that is the way to go. In fact, stupid Hawaiians, never figured out how to make ohia log cabins like smart white men know how to do. Look at this, ohia log cabins, made from FREE wood. Some of you are really starting to sound like a-hole' haole."
A friend of ours had their vacant lot in HPP clear cut of some of the biggest ohia in all of HPP. When their neighbor confronted the guy cutting the trees and hauling them off, the guy claimed that since he was Hawaiian, they were his trees and he was taking them, and if they said anything they would regret it. When our elderly friend and his wife showed up to confront the guy he told them the same thing, only was more threatening. Do you think he was entitled to do that since he was born here, and the "owner" of the trees was "flown here"? A-holes come in all ethnicities, in fact everyone has one, just not everyone shows it in public.
I'm not defending the cutting of those trees from state lands, I don't know the true story so I wouldn't do that, but you seem to be edging into that "born here" are better stewards of the land vs "flown here" are just a bunch of planet rapers territory with your last post, and in many cases that just isn't true. Just go down to four mile beach on a Monday morning and see how much those "born here" kids malama da aina: broken glass, bottle caps, cigarette butts, used condoms and dirty diapers are left lying on the ground, in spite of county provided trash cans. I did a beach cleanup there one time and we filled a hefty garbage bag with the plastic inserts left when bottle caps corrode to nothing, and another one with nothing but cigarette butts.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, that is so deep it almost necessitates a new topic. Since getting involved in this story I discovered another story unfolding within this story. That is...there is an underground Ohia milling industry in Puna where no questions are asked about where the wood came from. Tropical hard wood by the board foot is extremely expensive online...$8 to $12 a foot. I doubt that the man in your story is using your neighbors old growth Ohia to build a log cabin but rather he is probably taking the opportunity to sell it to the millers who in turn sell it for high dollar flooring on the continent.
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He bragged that he was selling them to builders on the Kona side to use for Lanai posts for all those new ocean view McMansions that are popping up around the resorts.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
That is just disgusting!!! But still he is not a nonprofit 501c3.
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Originally posted by Rob Tucker
I'll elaborate....
You and R.J. seem almost gleeful in your determination to bring a private citizen and a valuable community asset down to their knees. And there is the appearance of a political payoff for you and R.J. in it.
Just my opinion of course...
They are probably gleeful in seeing SB2274 go done the tube. Finding out the truth and behind the scenes illegal operations was most likely an after the fact discovery and major illegal activities need to be brought to light.
Your rationale makes no sense about bringing down "a valuable community asset" as if this is wrong and unethical. Using this same rationale, I must believe that you would sanction all those Priests that have been charged with, and convicted of child abuse and allow it to continue on the grounds that Priests are "a valuable community asset". Those who grossly and knowingly violate the laws need to be "brought down to their knees" even though they hide behind a successful community activity.
This bit about "a political payoff" is a gross misjudgment on your part. I don't believe they had any such intentions in that all this SB2274 work and uncovering the horrible truths all took place prior to running for office. They were acting as just a community activist trying to protect the people of Puna. If by chance this sways someone to vote for RJ, that's life.
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Leaping lizzards Kjlpahoa You can get from Robs post to the biggest child sex abuse scandel in history in one bound. I'll bet you leap tall buildings as well. I'm sure Rob doesn't need me defending him, he might not even like it. It's not my place to police Puna web, I know. Thats just a big leap and somewhat disgusting.IMO You know the british would have liked to bring George Washington to his knees for knowingly violating the law and the south African government did bring Mandella to his knees. Not that I'm comparing Graham Ellis To Washington or Mandella. just sayin
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all this SB2274 work and uncovering the horrible truths all took place prior to running for office
Like I said: the timing is a little "convenient".
Also assume we'll never really know the truth, as usual.