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East Hawaii Then & Now video 1974 & 2008 photos
PS. I'd swear that was Fred Blas around the 6:15 time - or maybe his grand pa.
Dasit !

Mahalo 2X Tom !!!

No problem, Pog, your description of yellowish and Dutch reminded me of the video, and it was easy to find after that!
Beautiful Video of 1916; mahalo nui loa. Wouldn't it be cool to run the train (a trolley) along it's old route from the Barbershop in Pahoa to Hilo. That would be a huge tourist attraction, boost to the local economy as well as a great way for locals to get to town and provide an alternate escape route and perhaps lighten traffic on 130.
Great! Thanks!
The so-called "Kalapana Beach" is/was, of course, Kaimu Beach.
That photo was in 1977 -- two years after the big quake that cause subsidence.
In 1974 and 1975 I used to nearly drowned there often. Smile
thanks for the great video and stroll down memory lane. i remember the shopping where the county offices are now, one of the few places to shop, wasnt that when sears was just a mail catalog place. liberty house in there then? trying to remember with my old brain. about the same time mcdonalds was in there by kens pancake house, one of the few mcdonalds to go broke... dad and i would go in for the 10 cent coffee...
It was J.C. Penney's.
Originally posted by Carey

My neighbors were all talking about a steak house next to the Hongwanji mission... I have heard great things about this steak house before.... never have gotten the name of it... does anyone remember it?

Ola'a Steak House, with the double screen doors in the front? The best ever. Listening to the kupuna visit throughout dinner was even better.

There are scenes of the "Bird of Paradise" in this video, too. Love it! Kaimu Beach is where Queen Emma swam, and when tired, sat on the one coconut tree that was bent at a 45 degree angle (or so we were told). Apologies, off topic. [:I] Fond, fond memories.

Mahalo for this, and really enjoy the old stories.

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