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Hawaiian Acres Farmers market
fix one issue before you pile on to the problem

I agree with the principle, but ... the reality is that County has been "piling on" ever since the subdivisions were illegally created, and I no longer expect anything different.
kala , well I am not ready to accept the corruption . for things to get better people need to be held accountable .
for things to get better people need to be held accountable

Again, agree in principle, but the current reality system does not reflect these ideals.

In as much as County contributes to the problem, they effectively undermine their own alleged authority; refusing to "accept the corruption" means working around it in-place, which eventually translates into "ignore County".
birchl - yes we smell at times the burning of meth,yes the syringes are from people slamming heroin and leaving their points on the ground in the play area for the children.Yes people who gather there smoke MJ on a daily basis.
Yes the female office manager smokes her cigs at the entrance entry door while on the job,being paid to do so by the peoples donations when children are playing,it is their choice that they are addicted and self medicating ,BUT we as law abiding community seniors do not need to be subjected to the few who must drink and drive,must self medicate at the HACA building for all to use peacefully .
Many in the community have jobs that are jobs that require drug testing,if those same people are attending functions at the HACA building and are inhaling such illegal substances,they could lose their employment.
And Lavalava are you the one spreading rumors of our certain death,if that is you,please stop.
We have been lot owners since the 1960s in H.A. ,well before many were even born.Well before the HACA building was ever built,there was a HACA club house on Rd 1 ( one ) which is now a single family residence .
If required permits are not in place and the famers market is thus changed to a farmers swap meet an the HACA board hires police to direct traffic and make sure no persons are drinking alcohol or doing illegal drugs we have no issues.
Perhaps every person selling MUST pay 10 percent of their profits to HACA and show their # an ID ,photo copied to have the right to sell at said future gatherings.Then the legal hurdles along with proper permits,with a certified kitchen,with water that is fit for human consumption in their water catchment,with proper parking and traffic control,much like Maku'u market has,then when all those simple standards are in place,done correctly once and for all,then the Farmers Swap meet at the HACA building can proceed.
Maybe a new committee can be formed so the current board can take care of HACA business and the new committee can set it up so every one is happy and no threats to senior citizens or the children who play in the park and no blocking through traffic.
Pretty simple actually.
Life is a Blessing
The MakuĂș Market started with porta potties and a large jug of water. They grew from there. Good luck to the citizens of Hawaiian Acres in their effort to create a community gathering place.

Whats the deal with a certified kitchen Mimosa? This is the second time you have brought this up. Is someone going using the kitchen at the cc and selling at the farmers market? I see no need for the expense of the kitchen.

Originally posted by justthefacts

correct rambler , but this is not a mainland view its about hard working people , property owners and residents getting tired of being bullied .

Ironically the only thing you work hard at is ruining things and you are the one who does most of the bullying in this community. Your bullying comes in the form of Nit picking with everyone and everything you see that isn't to code or isn't to the exact protocol. If you can answer this question honestly then I'll back down. How many law suits have you been involved in and or initiated in your existence in the acres? I'm guessing it's a big number. Proof you are the problem not the solution. And btw go ahead and answer back in your other sign in name justthefacts/2bad4u. Make it look as though you have another person backing you.
possibly these people screaming for the market should sell and hang at Macau until things can be straightened out here.its not that far and I am sure would be far more profitable. Don't understand the craziness of trying to reinvent the wheel. Looks to many that the objective is sheer agitation at this point. I don't feel anyone could honestly NOT understand the community objections. They have been clearly stated many times. Beyond just not giving a rip, maybe they really are that stupid ?

Mr not hung I was just mentioned stupid people and look....your answered my question.....stop acting like such a dummy Nathan. I have told you I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND SUSAN. And completely understand your not being able to wrap your head around that.

Mr not hung, I just mentioned stupid people and look....your answered my question.....stop acting like such a dummy Nathan. I have told you I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND SUSAN. And completely understand your not being able to wrap your head around that.

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