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Little Fire Ant Treatment
Vinegar! You will smell like a salad though..

Thank you. I'll give it a go.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Royall, thank you. So he only treats the house?
I heard about another guy, or might be the same guy, That charged about the same, per acre, not per structure.
Is it really pet proof? That's my only concern.

He did our entire three acres for $140. Subsequent visits are less. It takes more than one treatment. Worked great. I think the bait is mixed with peanut butter and oil. It is applied with a sprayer, so there are no large concentrations to attract pets. Very happy with his service, but he is very busy.

Art and Orchids B&B
He treats the whole acre. Goes the perimeter, around the trees, around the house, and spread a small amount of Amdro as well.

I have a cat and he's been fine. I've always treated with Amdro with out any problems. With out treatment my cat was getting ant stings in the eyes. Poor lil' guy!

Great info, I love it when people post about this incredibly baneful invasive species. I've been battling LFA for a couple years now and I've noticed that I've really gotten a handle on the situation for now. I think it is because of the drought conditions. I use the amdro bait (not good if you have chickens) and they have been very scarce.
Yes guys, thanks for the great info!!

I pretty much gave up on my yard. I get stung in bed, bath, and beyond.

If it seems to be harmless, and great for getting rid of this ants, I will be (hopefully), his next client.

This is the kind of thread I like!!

It seems the fire ants bites affect different people differently. I feel some stinging pain for maybe a half hour. I have used some calamine lotion, and it helps pretty quickly. My wife is more affected to the little biters, and has to give op sooner on yard work, and it takes longer for the bites to quite hurting. Haven't heard of using mouthwash till now, but will try that too.

Seems like I never see these tormentors when they are on me. I still wonder if they inject you with something that masks the pain while they bite and get away.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I'm not bad w/ 1 or 2 stings, but more than that, I use ice & lidocaine. That blue aloe gel for sunburn has it.
Rob - did the vinegar or mouthwash help? I haven't yet managed to put my hand into a nest but have been bitten several times and nothing I've tried so far works (including antihistamines).

I think I'm like Jon (birdmove). The bites are bad but after half an hour the pain/itch has gone, but it's very unpleasant. Several bites would have me finding a flame-thrower to get rid of the bastards.

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