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Big Island Circus Fined $50,000 by DLNR
The endless drama that is "some people" vs "other people they don't like" is really tiresome.

I suggest putting a dollar figure on everything that's happened so far, then see where the balance lies.

I also think it's time to stop persecuting people for filling the voids left by County's failure to deliver and/or facilitate services. Either that, or (again) make it clear to the residents of these communities that they are NOT entitled to any services despite the taxes paid.
Most things in life, including people, are not either 100% good or 100% evil. We don't walk around wearing white hats or black hats like in a 1950's western. When you go on a crusade to destroy an entire organization because some trees were cut down in a moment of questionable judgement, you have to ignore the fact that they also created a lot of good for the community.

Like taxes.
Like neighbors.
Like friends,
Like family.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Exactly, HOtPE. Thank you.
My two cents about something I know very little about: Never saw the circus yet did donate $ some 12-15 years ago for what sounded like a good thing for keiki and community. RJ and sativa are great in their diligence and hard work to help keep our county fair and accountable (thank you). The county and state have been treating the good people of puna like a floor mat, only to wipe their feet on as they are about to come in and take more of puna's resources like water, food, electricity, labor, and much more.
RJ and sativa and many others are probably fed up with the unfair treatment from the county and state and have become vigilante activists. County and state show their power and unfairness over the people here all to often especially when it favors them. This county of Puna should and could lead the way of the future towards sustainability or Surviveability, if more of the good people are freed from the legal or unlegal wars within our community. Jmo's.
RJ and sativa thank you and look forward to meeting both of you someday. Mr Ellis I hope you prosper on your next adventure that's sure to come.
P.S. County should look into hiring RJ and Sativa to get a few things done legally. Maybe find a way to bring back Pearls bakery?.
RJ and sativa are great in their diligence and hard work to help keep our county fair and accountable persecuting those who do good works? I don't see their "diligence" pointed at County.
Clearly the Circus is in the wrong....Sad to see them using kids as shields for their wrong doing.
All I ask is that people use the same criteria to judge everyone involved.

Clearly the Circus is in the wrong....Sad to see them using kids as shields for their wrong doing.

Aren't County and/or State in the wrong for creating an unsustainable environment "for the children"? Or is the argument that "schools are provided, not our fault you have to drive so far"?

What about the parents who relocated their children so far from the schools?

Yes, once Graham Ellis built S.P.A.C.E he lost interest in the kids. It was all about the shows, "La Chic" partial nudity, alcohol in the back (wink wink), and people who don't leave after the show is over. Let it all happen at Uncle Roberts that is where it should be.
Originally posted by Sativa

Let it all happen at Uncle Roberts that is where it should be.

What is the difference in zoning at Uncle Robert's and S.P.A.C.E.?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Let it all happen at Uncle Roberts that is where it should be.

I fail to understand this: "unlawful" activities are unlawful no matter where they are conducted. What makes everything magically OK if it's moved down the road to Uncle Robert's? Is it because that location doesn't inconvenience the "keepin' it country" crowd? Does Uncle Robert's have sovereignty such that no Fed/State/County laws/rules apply?

Kicking the can down the road is a County maneuver. Following their example does not improve the situation.

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