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Big Island Circus Fined $50,000 by DLNR
Idea; Perhaps it would be appropriate for Rob to post under a different name when voicing personal opinions, than when posting as Moderator.

Why? Would it change the validity of his opinion? We would still know it is Rob.
Rob can post whatever he wants--it's his house. If some of his rudest guests don't like his opinion, they can go elsewhere. I would have kicked them out long ago if it was my house, but Rob is simply a better man than I...



knieft Quote:
"Rob can post whatever he wants--it's his house"

Good Morning Everybody,

That's right, knieft, free speech is what it is all about and that is why I love the punaweb. You are right Rob does have great tolerance except when it comes to RJ and Sativa. And we are alright with that given the fact that Tiffany blocked us from her site and we didn't do anything so again we appreciate Rob.
Originally posted by DanielP

Idea; Perhaps it would be appropriate for Rob to post under a different name when voicing personal opinions, than when posting as Moderator.

When I post as moderator I use my signature line as moderator. When I post as an individual I just use my name.

I try to be consistent on that.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Understood and fine either way; your site. And, Thank You for the fine site, too.

"When I post as moderator I use my signature line as moderator. When I post as an individual I just use my name.

I try to be consistent on that."

That is a great solution. We want Rob to express the truth as he see's it. I mean those are his honest feelings who am I to reject that?

You run a wonderful house Rob and we don't want you to be gagged.

Hawai'i Volcano Circus was founded in February 1991, the officer's of the Board are: Graham Ellis, Irene Kral and Robert Dunn (, Village Green Society was founded 2 months later with the purpose to turn income from the property over to the circus, the officers of that Board are: Eric Marantz, Graham Ellis and Irene Kral (
Forest clearing, "Jungalows" for rental incomeā€¦but Graham only knows that the circus "was not involved" and he cannot "comment on behalf of VGS" according to his statement to the Tribune Herald?
Apropos, has anybody seen a response from Village Green Society on this issue as announced by Graham in July in his article
After much thought, I've realized I'm probably wrong about everything, maybe even enough to owe an apology or two.

Free and fair elections in a democratic society have brought us the PCDP. If "the People" didn't want to drive to Hilo for everything, they had their chance to voice this opinion during the planning stages.

Similarly, if groups of "concerned citizens" want to leverage the existing rules and laws to adjust their local situation, then it becomes the responsibility of other citizens to participate in the process that drives those outcomes.

Nobody seems to object to either of the above situations, therefore it can be argued that these are the legitimate "will of the People", democracy at its finest.

Yes, the PCDP basically amounts to "everything will stay the way it is", and it's not likely to be implemented in my lifetime, but these are the rules we have until/unless the people demand changes.

Maybe the County has been breaking the law for decades, starting with the grant of illegal subdivisions and continuing onward with "selective" enforcement ... creating a gray area in which "morally right", "best for the community", and "technically legal" no longer overlap as they should. In theory, these matters need to be addressed in a court of law; in practice, this won't happen, nor will it have any effect if it does.

This place is a beautiful as it is corrupt, and each of us must choose which is more important of our attention. It's all about choices, right?

She's upset that some trees got cut down and became part of the SPACE facility which serves hundreds of community members.

Note that the 10-acre parcel includes six permitted buildings with a total value of $756K, all of which have been made exempt from property taxes.

Ironic that County granted permits/inspections for a structure built with "stolen" trees.

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