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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here?
I wonder how accurate that death count actually is. After all, we are talking about 3rd world nations, so how many actually stay away from the hospitals and the death counts etc.?
It's certainly higher than the official count, but even if it were a million or more, it would still be less than 2 people infected from each carrier over 9 months. In a relatively confined area consisting of 3 nations in Africa.

A Measles infection spreads at a rate of 18 to 1.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The measles mortality rate is something on the order of a mere 1e-4 % or .0001% compared to 60%-85% in Ebola. Lol. I think most rational minded people given the choice of infection they would rather not be infected by between Ebola and Measles would be Ebola nearly every time with the exception of a few people who are immune to Ebola. Ebola with its smaller infectious rate is by far more potentially deadly than the measles and a far greater threat when unleashed within a community than measles. Not to mention we also have a vaccine for measles.
I'd prefer the measles myself. I just listed the measles infection rate as a comparison to Ebola, to show the possibility of how fast each one could potentially spread.

But you're right, the high mortality rate for Ebola is exactly the reason there is so much fear about the disease. The odds are not good if you happen to get it.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The Hawaii agricultural form handed out to mainland airline passengers needs to be revised. In addition to asking whether you are carrying any deadly snakes --to which question all passengers give a truthful answer-- the form needs to ask "Are you carrying Ebola-- no, come on....are you?"

I'm thinking more and more of setting up a tent South Of The Crossing (SOTC).
So here's a more accurate representation of Ebola to the current available data. 1.4^27*.75=6614.82 deaths. 1.4 is the rate of transmission to the power of 27 ten day periods in 9 months by a mortality rate of 75%. We can adjust the figures accordingly to hit the count given by record but this would appear to be a more accurate representation.
So if we use that as a base formula and consider a 1.5 year period we use 1.4^54.75*.75 = 75,088,117.554 deaths and 20 days thereafter a population roughly the size of the United States is dead. Now other factors would obviously influence that rate here in the US but the current rates aren't pretty and spell a really crappy outlook should it get out of hand here.
Do you really think people coming into this country will answer the questions truthfully? That is how we have that case in Texas. The guy LIED on the forms. As long as the forms are filled according to "standards", they will get in.
I hope they could come up with a quick finger prick test, as for diabetics, to know who is infected.
Forget the forms.
If we rely on people answering a form, regarding exposure, then we are screwed.

Originally posted by dakine

I am guessing that those most concerned might not be the most hygienic of the our bunch.

Wow dude! Get a grip! I am elderly. I only have 60% of my lung capacity due to an autoimmune condition and am on oxygen therapy.. and would surely die if I was so challenged.. exposed. I wash.. clean.. brush. etc etc.. every day! So get a frickin grip! There are children who are at higher risk.. people with impaired systems.. and the elderly.. so give up trying to put the blame on someone that doesn't know how to wash their frickin hands for God's sake! I am sorry but your line is SO INAPPROPRIATE it is verging on criminal! Something Hitler would spout!

Ahh, here we go with the Reductio ad Hitlerum nonsense again. Verging on criminal? Please. Verging on criminal is all the exclamation points you use.

I happen to know personally what living with an impaired system 24/7 is like. But unlike you, I am not about to let hysterical scaremongering rule how I live. Surprised you didn't type in all caps.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
I suggest that upon entering the state, you fill out your Ag form, submit to a rectal thermometer, and be on your way.
Thanks. I needed the chuckle.

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