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TMT groundbreaking - live
I love the hypocrisy of these people driving on roads on Mauna Kea which have covered far more of Mauna Kea, thus "desecrating" it than all of the existing telescopes and TMT combined. Why didn't they hike up to this "sacred" place on foot, not on the road, like the ancient Hawaiians did? I imagine these same protesters that are from lower Puna also want bulldozing of the virgin lava flow on Chain of Craters, and destruction of rainforests to open up Railroad and Beach Road. The environmental footprints of these roads desecrating Pele and Kilauea massively dwarf the footprint of TMT. In watching the video, one person mentioned thanking the Lord, the same Lord that would condemn this person to an eternity in hell for not forsaking all other gods and by agreeing with what christianity sees as a pagan view that Mauna Kea is sacred.

Of course, all these people lack critical thinking ability and have likely never considered any of these points. I'm sure they all also live in homes where not a single piece of cinder was bulldozed. They also don't have cesspools or septic tanks because digging into the lava is akin to "stabbing Pele in the heart," as an anti-geothermal activist once told me digging into the earth here is. I have seen many postings on Facebook supporting these protestors by the same people who have liked findings about the universe that I've posted or who have themselves posted such news when these discoveries actually come from the existing telescopes on Mauna Kea. The ignorance and general anti-science ridiculousness of many here is exhausting.
I am always amazed what people will stand up against, but the same people aren't up in arms about huge issues the world has.
I think of it similar to jazz music. Many purists want jazz to be what is was in the 1930s or 40s. they want to put it in a little box and hold it and cherish it. But that's not what jazz is. Jazz is a form of music that is cutting edge for its time, presenting new ideas and ways to present it. not looking back but always looking forward. playing songs in the style of jazz music in the 1930s or 40s is not jazz, but a cover band.

i feel like the hawaiian culture of today is one of nostalgia - grass skirts, ancient hula, adoration of liliuokalani. if the hawaiians would allow the culture to move forward, i think it would stand a much better chance of surviving and thriving.
hawaiian culture of today is one of nostalgia - grass skirts, ancient hula

Do not suggest cultural norms where marketing dollars are involved.
What would the Menehune think? I guess they would have built the whole observatory overnight while the protesters slept. :-)

"I love the hypocrisy of these people driving on roads on Mauna Kea which have covered far more of Mauna Kea, thus "desecrating" it than all of the existing telescopes and TMT combined. Why didn't they hike up to this "sacred" place on foot, not on the road, like the ancient Hawaiians did? [...]"

Just to add to the irony, the road to the summit, the subsequent paving and continual maintenance was and is paid for by the observatories.

Ha Ha, of course! Something else none of them thought of!
For some of us who have walked the path, before the roadways (yes, hiked until your brow is wet, and you are parched), Papa always told us, you need not boast, just know who you are (almost verbatim).

The silence up on Mauna Kea, when one is faced with adversity and also great hope, we just listen to the sound of silence.

For what it's worth.


"I bet you want one to commute up the hill to work, don't you?"

Oh, what I would give for a day driving a Jaguar on the Saddle road without the police looking for speeders! Unfortunately, I can't afford a luxury like that. I loved the bit with the gentleman drinking a nice cup of tea, with a saucer, flying in a helicopter with the door open and with a lit table lamp next to him. I'm sure many missed that bit, but thought it was a very clever part of the video!
Calm and cool, with a touch of class, standard British equipment. Gal reminded me of Miss Emma Peale.

Community begins with Aloha

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