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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here?
discuss the truth, i think the point is that the nurse had full protective hazmat equipment. so even if there was a breach in protocol, the everyday person is not wearing any protection.

i am not hype mongering. i have actually seen hemorrhagic fever years ago, although not ebola. it was a frightening, terrible thing to see even for myself, a health care professional. i think we are in for a terrible lesson in politics interferring with medicine. i wish my poor old brain could remember the name of the book, i think it was the band played on, that told the story years later of how politics affected the aids crisis in the 80s.
It's not just politics. It's the greedy insurance companies and the cuts to federal reimbursement (which I guess is indirectly politically controlled). It is also the mistreatment, year after year, of nurses (via staffing protocols- or lack thereof)- and the complacency that has resulted from this. "And the Band Played On" is the name of the book, if memory serves. One or two cases of Ebola will be handled, but get up to 100 or more, and WHAMMO- our health system shall be overwhelmed. Let's all say a prayer right now, that this plague stays mostly in Africa.
Amen to that.
National Nurse's United just had a press conference in Oakland Calif. They are also staging "die ins" in several locations. That doesn't do much for my confidence in the "system" and what they're telling us.
"Let's all say a prayer right now, that this plague stays mostly in Africa."

Somehow that just sounds so wrong.
I think this tells us that this particular hospital in Dallas has some very incompetent people working there.
This is the same hospital that gave an antibiotic to a feverish person who had just come from Liberia, and sent him home.

They have had 8 cases of Ebola in Nigeria. That number hasn't increased. It can be stopped.
So sorry. I need to read the whole sentence before I reply.
Amen to "lets all say a prayer right now"
Not "that this plague stays mostly in Africa"
NOBODY deserves this disease.
I'm sure no one here wants anyone to have it. The "stay" wish is because the best chance for a plague to be controlled and ended is to not let it slip borders and go worldwide, but to contain it and eradicate it.

It happens to be out of control in one place, Africa, so that is where the battle should be fought. Africa actually one of the worst places to get on top of it unless the powers that be start doing everything right STAT. Let's hope that the US resources can indeed be sent to Africa and aren't engulfed at home, because West Africa needs our help badly.

Sad to say, it may be the international spread that will get us in gear.
I ran across a good history last night of how Ebola got out of control in the countries where so many have died now. It also follows the doctor who was brought to the US, and after reading his story I have more insight into what a brave human being he is and so glad he survived.

btw, 8 cases in Nigeria is NOT good news because there were Zero cases until ONE person infected those 8, and that kind of near exponential increase is how plague spreads more quickly than response can address the outbreak.

I'll post this and then the link to the story.


A good readable story on "how Ebola sped out of control" of WHO.

Originally posted by dakine

I think this tells us that this particular hospital in Dallas has some very incompetent people working there...

One can hope that the stories of the mishandling of the Dallas case(s) represent an isolated incident as I suspect that comment was meant to imply. But after I read about what happened in Spain as told here:

I don't think what happened in Dallas can be considered isolated regardless of who or what's to blame in that particular case.

Right. Of course those whose job it is to stop panic will take the course of making "us" feel safe because somewhere else "they" were incompetent. Because it's not like incompetence is a widely spread condition ... [}Smile]

One of my favorite albums that came out when I was in high school was the Mothers' "Freak Out." Remember Zappa and his chorus chanting "It can't happen here?"
No no no it can't happen here. Sing it with me ... [8D]
does it not seem there are those who relish the prospect of hysteria? that's entertainment i suppose.

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