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Hawaii Island anti-vaccination policies

There's a dialogue on this page between Rob, kjlpahoa, myself, and RJ that is sort of a precursor to your question that was raised by Rob:
Go to the link and you read that part.

This was RJ's response relating to Horowitz and his product.
Aloha KathyH and Rob, I agree with your assessment of Leonard Horowitz. I don't think he has a cult, however, for that necessitates followers. I hesitate to speak of LH because I am apprehensive over being sued again although his suit was thrown out of court. He has already sued the county, several judges, his ex-wife and a whole host of others. He cannot help himself. He is like Jack Lemmon in The Out-of-Towners "What's your name? You're gonna hear from my lawyers!"

Rob, I would like to take this opportunity to clear up some misunderstandings that you may have about the steam vent legislation. Here is the order of events concerning the purchasing of the property known as the "steam vents". The owner (not Leonard Horowitz) came to visit my boss in December of 2008 and made her aware that he wanted to sell his Opihikao property where the steam vents are located. His wish was to preserve the steam vents for the community and future generations. At that time, there were many people in the district who expressed a desire for the county to purchase the property and make it assessable to the public. So they had a meeting and their strategy was to try and purchase the steam vents through the open space process.

As legislative assistant, I was responsible for doing the work to apply for open space which is no easy matter. I filled out the application answering all of the detailed questions complete with photos and submitted it. The open space process would take time, so in the interim, it was decided that perhaps a resolution needed to be crafted to see what the community and council thought about the idea.

I was asked to put together a resolution. The county council thought it was a good idea and voted unanimously for the resolution. It all came to a halt when Emily Naeole lost the election. The next councilperson wrote a resolution to undo the other resolution. I think the steam vents were sold to a private individual. End of story.

Rob, remember, I was not the council person I was a legislative assistant and it was my job to write the legislation that was necessary.
Sativa may have more to say re your question. I just want to bring that other thread back so it is connected. It gets hard to remember what is where with such an active forum.

PS. If you look at that earlier topic I linked, which was my very first exchange with RJ ever, you will see that immediately when Rob brought up Horowitz I said I did not like him, and I was clear about that to RJ. (And she responded.)

That is why it irked me to hear you saying I was purposefully trying to divert the topic. I already asked. I am the last person who was wanting to sweep anything under the rug regarding Horowitz, as you can see in that topic.

The reason I had done some research into the Steam Vent Inn and the Steam Vents was that on Tripadvisor, the steam vents were brought up and visitors wanted to know more. I didn't know about them so I went about learning. RJ and Sativa's names never came up during any research I did about the operation, so I was quite surprised to hear they had this connection.

I know some people thought it was an odd idea to acquire the steam vents next door (not owned by Horowitz) for the County. However, from what I know after eight years of interacting daily with visitors to this island, I'm quite sure it would have brought a lot of visitor traffic down there and more tourist dollars to Puna. It just needed to be cleaned up and for the liability issues as well, and the question of whether people were allowed to go there. As a Park, I have no doubt it would have been a success, and I don't think it would have promoted Horowitz' schemes at all.

Tourists are quite good at focusing on the attraction and what would they care about the private property next door. His Inn was for a specifc target market, even more so than Kalani.

This is why I do not think it is at all suspect that Emily's office proposed the park, not in the sense it was some scheme to benefit Horowitz, who was not in any way part of the proposal. He was just the adjacent property owner. It's not like he was going to be marketing through the County Park.

I did follow the proposal back at that time as it was reported in the press, because as I said I was working with tourists and they were interested.

As far as vaccinations go, I was personally at the time worried about mandatory vaccination of a rushed development flu shot. Why because people in my family have serious reactions to such things. Both my father and I were allergic to egg white protein, which they use for the culture, and every release for a flu shot mentions that. My father died on the table once just getting scratch tests for allergies and had a lifelong fear after that of shots that could provoke allergies.

They tell you to stick around for 15 minutes after one to see if you're going to have a serious allergic reaction. So quite honestly, when I heard of the resolution at the time, I thought it was good. I never came into any contact with RJ or Sativa back then or knew who they were -- but independently, I approved of that effort.

Kathy, How can you seriously state that you're not trying to distract from the original issue. Pretty much every thread you've commented on has devolved to your feud with Tiffany over her dismissing your infantile armchair detecting on a past murder case.(By the way; the boyfriend did it. There was no Kalapana Mafia set up.)

If you commented in the Garden section, I'm pretty sure Tiffany would be held responsible for your root rot. The fact that you are now aligned butt to lips with Sativa and RJ doesn't help your credibility any.

The fact that you spend so much time and bandwidth re-explaining your past comments doesn't help your credibility.

Please do something original here so I can believe in you again
agree does seem to be kinda normal on da PW from more than one poster
snorkle, the Brittany Royal case had nothing to do with it. That is entirely your perception. Neither am I one of the people who made posts about Kalapana mafia, but that discussion does not belong in this topic either. But I had observed enough of Tiffany's MO by summer of 2013 to think "oh no" when she started talking on Facebook, about running for Council.

At that time, we had not had any kind of clash about the then new Royal case, in fact we exchanged a couple of amicable emails about the confusion over the tents. You think the Royal case was a big bone of contention because you were heavily invested in it and you first noticed me in that discussion, but you are wrong.

Anyhow, I made a post last night that was entirely about Tom's question, to take the topic back, and this morning there you are, not respecting that, dredging up irrelevant stuff and turning the topic towards my relationship towards Tiffany.

The first person to raise the Tiffany issue in this topic was csgray/Carol, in relation to why she thought Sativa should answer questions. I was not at all talking about Tiffany.

It gets old having you make stupid misrepresentations about me like what you said about the Gardening topic. I have as you well know been discussing Tiffany in topics devoted to Puna Politics and specifically about her. This is the only topic where she became the focus when the topic was something else. And now you are making a dumb statement like that.

If YOU want any respect again as a person who can engage in discussion, just stop making misrepresentations about me. You don't see me wasting my time in every topic you post in making snarky remarks to put you down. Enough already.

Wow. Did you call me dumb because I can make a point in under 500 words?
I've lost any hope of a real discussion with you because you twist words and repeat words I never said as if I said them.

I never called YOU dumb. I said your statement was dumb. See the difference? I never mentioned word length, you did, but you post as if that came from me.

I said this statement is dumb:
Pretty much every thread you've commented on has devolved to your feud with Tiffany over her dismissing your infantile armchair detecting on a past murder case....

If you commented in the Garden section, I'm pretty sure Tiffany would be held responsible for your root rot.
It's dumb because you can't come up with examples of this but you state it as a fact. Even this topic, I'm not the one who started the Tiffany tangent the first or second time.

Stop saying untrue things about me. I get that you oppose my beliefs. That doesn't give you the right to continually twist my words with your straw men examples (as you just did). Really, get over it.

It's true; Kathy has no root rot.
snorkle, it's been months now since you self-appointed to made a snide comment whenever I make a post, so long now that you just think you are entitled to do it?

Would you like me to make a snide snarky comment about each of your posts? I could do that easily. I'd rather be civil, but maybe that is what it will take. Maybe you would get it then. I doubt Rob would like it though.

I'm asking you to just quit it. You know, engage filter, and when it comes into your head to make a personal put down piece of snark, drag said comment to Desktop Trash instead of to Keyboard.

No problem Kathy, please keep any snide remarks to under 500 words for time consideration.

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