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Saturday feed no more
Jon, This whole thing is about stopping community action and closing down the community center in Hawaiian Acres. It is not about the Farmer's Market. I know Micki and all the folks connected with this venture have been there because they care. It is beyond common sense and caring that this is being terminated. This action has been a long time in the making; and, unless there is real change in the Board of Directors of Hawaiian Acres, I doubt there will be any positive outcome to this. Thank you for what you have tried to do.

New rules take affect Nov 1st for all food free meals state wide.
Our ohana helps regularly at our church in Hilo and we have read the new rules.It is not just Hawaiian Acres Community Center free saturday meals.It is state wide.
Contact the Department of Health directly if you have suggestions for them.
Food safety is of extreme importance to every one.
When a person ends up in the E.R. from food borne illness or food poisoning - it is reported to the Dept of Health.
Perhaps more than one individual over the years has fallen ill from the foods served at Hawaiian Acres Community Center .
To put blame on a single individual is not being pono.
Do your research as the new laws are meant to protect every one state wide.
Has the servers ever taken the Food Handlers courses offered by the Department of Health and passed these courses?If yes the MUST post this showing - the official yearly form in public site when serving foods.It is state law.
Did they ?
We take the course yearly and have found over the years that certain rules have changed to keep the food handlers and public safe.
It does not matter if it is a road side vendor,a Church meal,or a food meal at any community center state wide.
It is about public safety.
Mimosa the person who complain has never ate at a Saturday feeed it had nothing to due about getting sick at the feed it was about using a certified kitchen. The person who complain stated in a another topic about Hawaiian acre c.c that they where going do this. Do you know under this law to cooked for a family party you also to get temp permit and use a certified kitchen.

I think the kitchen certification is more about taxation than promoting health. My evidence is if a restaurant serves rotten food on a regular basis, it will go out of business. If someone dies from that bad food, the owner will be prosecuted, and the business will close. The last time I got food poisoning was from Subway downtown Hilo next to the laundry-mat. I never went back. Also, I don't think church potlucks are regulated. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I think the kitchen certification is more about taxation than promoting health.

Taxation is just a convenient way to force paperwork.

Everything must be regulated ... unless the regulations are inconvenient for certain people's money.

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