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Alleged voter fraud follow up
They should obviously subtract one vote from Tiffany's total in the Primary, and recalculate the winner.
I predict not much will happen on the voter fraud part. Curious what the IRS thinks of the tax issues though.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Originally posted by Anxious Messiah

I predict not much will happen on the voter fraud part. Curious what the IRS thinks of the tax issues though.
I don't think there is an IRS case open. It's property tax fraud at the moment. Property tax matters are public record. Tax filings on rental income are not.

Oh, I am quite sure those who contacted the County, contacted everyone they could. It's their MO.

If one has filed for incorrect tax exemptions in one area, the likelihood of filing other incorrect tax forms is pretty likely.

And Snorkle's "They should obviously subtract one vote from Tiffany's total in the Primary, and recalculate the winner." makes total sense, and is pretty effing funny.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Originally posted by KathyH

Originally posted by Anxious Messiah

I predict not much will happen on the voter fraud part. Curious what the IRS thinks of the tax issues though.
I don't think there is an IRS case open. It's property tax fraud at the moment. Property tax matters are public record. Tax filings on rental income are not.


This is a done deal,they are not going to prosecute anyone.If they prosecute Tiffany they will also have to prosecute thousands more !

"The county about six weeks ago sent letters to 6,700 property owners seeking verification that they qualify for the homeowner’s exemption."

More :

"A recent comparison of property owners claiming the county homeowner’s exemption against vital statistics from the state Department of Health discovered 1,200 deceased people benefiting from the exemption, some for as long as 10 years. That’s cost the county untold thousands in lost taxes"

See more at:
snorkel's reply makes no sense because the 2014 election has nothing to do with the voter fraud case, which relates to the 2010 and 2012 elections.

It's not really funny, assuming snorkle is a US citizen, for him to imply that it's no big deal to fraudulently register to vote as long as a person's one vote doesn't decide the election contest.

We all vote (assuming here that snorkle votes) with the knowledge that one vote alone doesn't decide the outcome, with faith that our vote matters as part of the collective expression of the citizens' choice.

When we mock the process, mock the concept that we should take seriously the districting laws that state where we are entitled to vote, that disrespects the entire process of determining our representatives by vote. Do you and snorkle prefer a monarchy?

Tiffany herself is a huge advocate that each vote matters. She has said so in print on numerous occasions.

From Kathy,

quote:Originally posted by snorkle
They should obviously subtract one vote from Tiffany's total in the Primary, and recalculate the winner.

why? This makes no sense even as snark?

Because, if this was an evil plan by Tiffany to defraud the people of Hawaii County, it would have cost them one vote. (A brilliant, but ultimately ineffective strategy).
This is not a speeding ticket where you were caught on radar. That's proof.
This is not shoplifting with a witness.

Most cases like Tiffany's come down Proof By Fraudulent Intent.
Even if it looks to the average person like what she did was fraudulent, even if it seems like it must be, the prosecuting attorney needs to prove without a doubt that her actions were taken intentionally. If she didn't realize what she did was against the law, or she "forgot" to change her real property tax status for a few years, it's difficult to take the case forward.

Doing so without some kind of testimony that she said loudly, in public, "I'm ripping off the county," would be a further waste of taxpayer dollars.

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by snorkle

From Kathy,

quote:Originally posted by snorkle
They should obviously subtract one vote from Tiffany's total in the Primary, and recalculate the winner.

why? This makes no sense even as snark?

Because, if this was an evil plan by Tiffany to defraud the people of Hawaii County, it would have cost them one vote. (A brilliant, but ultimately ineffective strategy).

no snorkle, it wouldn't have cost them one vote in this election. Do you grasp what the voter fraud investigation is based on, because it sounds like you don't.

If it had cost them a vote, this piece of snark would still be offensive, because you are mocking a foundation of our representative republic, which is the belief that when we vote it does matter. Your comment is very offensive to me as an American citizen (and member of DAR).

Take no offense Betsy Ross;
What I am pointing out is that it is absurd to think that Tiffany's registration in the wrong district is some sort of subterfuge. What would she gain? Why would she do it?
Careless? maybe
Confused? Maybe
To defraud the patriotic people of the republic? Don't think so.

The election is pau; Get over it. I bet Mitch Roth has.

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