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Originally posted by hppwatchdog
Yes, that is the way I understand it also.
As I said in my post above,
I am hoping the new BOD members will be familiar with the bylaws by next week and we will be able to have an orderly meeting that goes by Roberts Rules and our bylaws.
Just remember that HRS 414D trumps the bylaws and RR and if there is a conflict between them, HRS supersedes. At the time the new members of the board were sworn in they didn't even know about 414D or they wouldn't be in the position they are in know.
Good point! HRS and Feds trump by-laws. Thats why you have to submit them when forming a non-profit and applying for tax exempt status.
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Here is link to HRS 414D
Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act
Bylaws, Roberts Rules, HRS 414D...that is a lot to digest and understand..
Being a volunteer Board member is for lawyers. [:p]
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Orchidlandguy and are correct and I should've been more clear. When I posted that our bylaws supersedes RR's, I was thinking about how board members, and not just this bunch, at times bypass the bylaws and go straight to Robert's Rules in regards to HPP biz. They should refer to our bylaws first.
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I think you might be confused. RR's rules of ORDER is a method of orderly conducting the meeting so that it is organized and civil.
RR's have nothing to do with the bylaws themselves but rather it is a method of conducting the business of the meeting - following the agenda, approving the minutes, old business, new business.
If the bylaws are unfamiliar to the board, a copy should be at meeting, and when someone makes a motion (following RR's of order) then in the discussion portion prior to voting to pass or reject the motion, how the bylaw references it can be discerned. The motion may or may not be a valid motion based on the bylaws. The motion if not valid can then be tabled or reformatted to reflect the bylaw applied to it.
Following RR's is not that hard. What becomes more involved is interpreting the bylaws.
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mermaid53: are you saying that your bylaws are in contradiction with Robert's Rules of Order? That would be odd in my experience with such things.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
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Hypothetically, could the General Membership make a motion and vote to remove the last 3 "new" (June 2014) Board Members to restore trust in the democratic process and remove barriers to harmony in HPP?
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Thought you were doing a recall. Didn't work?
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Anybody have any news on the status of hiring for GM, Office Administrator and Road Crew Super?
I know there have been a few executive sessions to discuss personal. So far there is no word on hiring. Unless it is included in the GM report it doesn't seem we are getting an update at the coming BOD meeting.
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Hawaiideborah and Steve1
I would refer you to your bylaws. Do they specify how a recall is to be processed?
I am pretty familiar with RR rules, and bylaws, so I am hoping my experience can help you. Having sat on the board of 3 non-profits in Hilo that operated pretty smoothly, and 1 501 c 4, I hope that your association can work together. Interestingly enough the 3 non=profits with a lot more money in them ran way smoother than the 501 c 4.
I am going to try to not get involved with the nattering about the board as it isnt my board. Just wanted to let you know. But hope I can answer general questions to help you all.
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the HPPOA BOD may request and receive guidance from this organization ( ) for as little as $250.00 per year membership for a non-profit with revenue of $2 mil per year...join and ask, pretty easy