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HPP Fired employees lawsuit support group

I think this suggestion was presented to the BOD in a regular meeting (not special or exec. Meeting).
I am very impressed with what this organization does. Wish we could require BOD attendance. It would help the new BOD members alot.

totally the point of assigning a single member of the board as leiason for training/guidance or presenter of questions to this organization in everyday implitation of by-laws
Is anyone else having strange experiences accessing the HPP Board Minutes? For instance I'll click on July 2014 minutes, and I'll get March 2014. Then I'll click on Oct 2014 and it'll come up. Then I'll click on July's again and get October's or March's minutes. This has been going on awhile now...anyone else having similar problems?
Yes, I am having problems with the minutes not coming up when clicked on.
I have also had the same thing occur as Mermaid, where I click on one month and have a different month appear.
The only way I can access the minutes is on a computer. I can not get the minutes to come up at all on my iPad.

Also, why aren't the minutes posted from the November BOD meeting?

Why is it we can't have a better, more efficient website? We have the money.
There are many tech savvy folks and Internet business on island who can set up websites that actually work. If they want someone off island, how about someone on Oahu? Whoever is doing the website from the mainland is not doing a good job.
It is time to upgrade the website.

The new board just did upgrade it at a much higher monthly cost then before. Morgan was the webmaster at under $40 a month. The new board brought in their people and the cost is much hire. I haven't seen the monthly budget performance yet but it will be in there if anyone is interested.
I've been on the computer Orchidlandguy and still can't access the minutes.

We do have a new Secretary as of November's board mtg. Don't know if that's the reason for delays. The Pres often said the issue was the previous Secretary's fault. At least 3 people are involved before the draft is ready. Recording secretary, board secretary and Pres. I know the previous Pres oversaw the minutes too and there were delays but there wasn't delays this often. Last tenure has a draft still up so...

The board said at a morning board mtg that someone in HPP has been working on the day to day stuff for our website and that someone on the mainland was revamping our website. This would be a good question to ask the board this Wed night to clarify what's going on.

Also, why is it that all 3 HRC members resigned at the same time? What's going on there? Another good question to ask the board at Wed's board mtg. They had 2 board members and 1 lot owner again...they were informed this wasn't following our bylaws awhile back when it happened the 1st time and again the 2nd time. They should be soliciting new members for HRC at this Wed's board mtg. And do any of these discrepancies affect the hiring process? Has anyone been hired since the board advertised in the Tribune? Hopefully the board will also discuss what the status is on the hirings.
The following is a list of the BoD meeting notes that I could find on the HPPOAA website and their "status". I had no trouble accessing them every time.

July 16, 2014 - Approved October 2, 2014 - Signed November 19, 2014
July 28, 2014 - Approved October 9, 2014 - Signed October 21, 2014
September 25, 2014 - Special meeting on emergency road use - "Approved" on website - Not signed
October 2, 2014 - Approved October 9, 2014 - Signed October 23, 2014
October 9, 2014 - Approved October 30, 2014 - Signed October 30, 20134
October 23, 2014 - Approved October 30, 2014 - not on website
October 30, 2014 - Approved November 19, 2014 - Not signed
November 19, 2014 - "Approved" on website - no further meeting notes to indicate date - Not signed

No notes for the meetings in August and September, apart from the special one on road use. No other notes for November or any for December 2014 and nothing for January 2015

It seems odd that the notes for the two meetings in July were not approved until October or signed until October and November. While some notes are missing, the other ones that are on the website were handled in a timely manner.
I am finally able to access the minutes.

A friend informed me where the Nov 2014 Board mtg minutes are. Look under the General Membership mtg minutes...14 Nov 2014.
The only BoD meeting minutes I can find on the General Membership meeting minutes "link" are for the November 19, 2014, meeting, as I reported above.

Were there two BoD meetings - five days apart - in November?

And why were they posted under the General Membership meetings?
The November 14, 2014 Board mtg minutes were erroneously posted in the General Membership mtg minutes section. There wasn't 2 meetings in November. Which begs the question as to who in HPP is working HPP's website and how could an error like this occur? The title of the document clearly states "Board" minutes, not General Membership.

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