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PGV Meeting 1/29/2015
Obie, thank you for your time and accurate predictions. If you read back on a few of my post a couple years back you would see that I had already knew this outcome before we put our names on that relocation list. What a joke this set up county used fund was from the start, I was just calling it's bluff. See I have no suits on going towards pgv, never have I sued anyone, it's not my practice. I don't go to doctors even though I have to have insurance, not the way I roll. Fact is I am currently laid up with a broken ankle and plenty of extra couch time.
Broke my ankle trying to clear out new growing albesia trees by the house that have been spouting up everywhere since the hurricane. Anyway things happen for reasons in my life and this was a sign that I needed to slow down in my new old age years.
Obie, i often do catch myself day dreaming about moving away from home(Puna), for it has lost or is losing much of what I grew up appreciating or enjoying. I also see where this precious piece of paradise needs protected now more than ever from buyers and takers like yourself. I don't want or need geothermal(Ormat) money to move, I am living proof of the long-term damage that such power plants can cause when their your neighborhood bully. The mistakes started when geothermal moved in as a exploratory drilling neighbor and rode the same bus to and from school with my family and I, ( can't ever forget that rotten smell when they rolled in).
Obie correctly points out that the Fire Department, as a valued member of our community, utilizes a "good neighbor" policy. They could legally wail away with their sirens, but choose not to out of consideration for the populace.

The same holds true with that other valued community resource, PGV; They can legally conduct loud drilling operations 24/7, but choose not to out of consideration to the populace..........Oh,......wait a minute,........never mind......
FYI: The entire meeting -

(Jury is still out, JMO.)

ETA: [xx(]
Thank you Opihikao, right up my ally. Had to watch the video twice to make sure that was not my pops playing the drums.
Your posting of the video taken of the meeting was kind. Same video yet caught a few things in yours I did not catch on ironyaks, like the end which was a bit interesting to say the least.
Originally posted by gypsy69

Thank you Opihikao, right up my ally. Had to watch the video twice to make sure that was not my pops playing the drums.
Your posting of the video taken of the meeting was kind. Same video yet caught a few things in yours I did not catch on ironyaks, like the end which was a bit interesting to say the least.

gypsy69, [8D]...Indeed. (Did your Dad really play with Stealers Wheel? OMG!)

When the going gets tough...just saying...[Smile]

My sincere aloha to you and your ohana. Do what is best for yourself and your family.

Ke Akua Pu.


ETA: Asking about Stealers Wheel E kala mai (please excuse) the OT [:I]
I don't know about the rest of PW but for my money you can go OT anytime Opihikao!
Originally posted by lavalava

I don't know about the rest of PW but for my money you can go OT anytime Opihikao!

Bless your heart, lavalava (Beeg kine hug; your posts. all of them, totally entertain me!) Just waiting for the opportunity (and gumption) to say "STFU" to some (not "gypsy69")...( No, no, no! In my bestest Amy Winehouse we have ALL been chastised for the same. [Big Grin])

Mahalo, lavalava, for your levity. I like hanai you. Have you ever seen the rain? Bet you have. Got a "dolla" for that bet? I'll pay you Tuesday...[Wink]

To answer another of gypsy69's questions:

The "contract" that sets PGVs size and scope is the Geothermal Resource Permit (GRP No.2 87-1) that was granted by the county in 1989. It allowed for 25 MW of electricity generation, 30 wells, amd had 50 conditions of operation. It was later amended in 2000 to allow for 60 MW. (Not sure where Mike's number for 28 possible wells comes from).

A history of the roughly thirty geothermal wells dug in Hawai'i:

PGV's operation replaces the need to run other power plants so its size is not tied to Puna's population or growth.

opihikao, thanks for the link - definately better coverage from Occupy Hilo this time around. Yep, the jury, or a judge perhaps in this case, is still out for now. (See agreement is possible, no mean deluxe musubis needed Wink

"The gasses and smoke were terrible this morning while the keiki were standing around waiting for what they had already paid for."

I wish you could have seen what I did from Mauna Kea the other day. All the VOG that made life miserable in Puna and Hilo was coming from Pu'u 'O'o'. Smoke was coming from the lava flow creating brush fires but the worst crap was from Kilauea. Nothing could be seen from PGV.

You have chosen to live on an active volcano and I'm hoping one day you will understand that.

Any mention at this last meeting about the bids for the second plant that was to possibly go into Poihiki? This new plant was to provide up to another 25 mW, maybe (county,state,helco,Ormat) feel they can get that added resource or mW power from this current plant with new and larger drilling production wells. Much easier to get this promised production from the current plant, than fight the public for another plant, at this time.jmo though. This new well being drilled has plans to be the biggest in diameter, over 12" yet while replacing maybe one of geothermals biggest production wells ever also.
The hurricane has had a very positive spin to Puna's geothermal of late. Maybe (Ormat) and fed $$$ invested more money into some better technology or are simply trying harder to stay clean and safe, since the hefty fines. We have not noticed the daily phenomenon gasses we were seeing regularly throughout neighborhoods like nanawale or leilani of late. The unusual smells and clockwork rains have all but subsided of late. Did geothermal get better generators, scrubbers, casings, transponders, lines, maybe after the hurricane? Many of my morning or evening drives now down and around the plant are amazingly less odorous with no signs of the low lying gasses that were often present before. Just giving credit when credit May be due a bit.

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