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TMT groundbreaking - live
Originally posted by dakine

I have a lot of respect for and am in awe of the astronomy community on Mauna Kea but I personally think that there should be a moratorium on this and all other development, be it private or commercial, that is on a greater scale than personal residential, on all islands until the issue of Hawaiian sovereignty is resolved.

March 27, 2015
Maui Circuit Court Judge takes Judicial Notice that the Hawaiian Kingdom still Exists and State of Hawai‘i Courts lack Subject Matter Jurisdiction

“Once judicial notice was taken of the evidence that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist as a state, it is considered indisputable and true,” according to Kaiama. “Judicial notice is a very significant ruling on evidence and when the court took judicial notice, it said that it is conclusive that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists,”…

“This is the first time that a judge has taken judicial notice—meaning he has accepted under the Rules of Evidence, without protest, the whole set of findings that lead to the conclusion that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists,” said Williamson Chang, a senior law professor at the University of Hawai‘i Richardson School of Law. “This is groundbreaking.”

This should be it's own thread.

Protesters who this week interrupted work on what's expected to be the world's largest telescope were put on notice Tuesday that they face arrest if they continue to block crews from reaching the Mauna Kea summit construction site.

But the demonstrators vowed to continue and said they put the police on notice they are asserting their sovereign rights as Native Hawaiians to protect their culture and land.
Protesters today in Honolulu!

Protesting on University Ave. outside the UH-Manoa.

Hard to say for sure, but due to the Hawaiian words on their signs they may have been Native Hawaiians.

I didn't stop to inquire.

It didn't appear immediately clear (to me) just what they were protesting besides the TMT - or rather why they don't like the TMT.

Religious reasons?
Anyone know of a link to news about the protest in Honolulu that Jim reports? I can't find anything right now. Thanks.
Do the police here even have the manpower and equipment needed to arrest and detain that many people at one time?
Update: FYI - (*Snipped - More at link)

Hawaii County police confirmed that officers made at least 15 arrests Thursday morning at the protest against the construction of the $1.4 billion Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea.

Police spokeswoman Chris Loos confirmed the arrests, but couldn't say how many were detained.

(*Includes video)

Several arrests were made Thursday morning as police began enforcing an open through-way on Mauna Kea Access Road. The road has been blocked by a group of Mauna Kea “protectors” – to Thirty Meter telescope construction crews only – for about a week. Under pressure to enforce the law on the road, which is under Hawaii County jurisdiction, police began warning that arrests would be made if the group of protectors did not step aside to let TMT drive up to the summit.

Hawaii News Now link: (*Includes video)

Some of these videos coming out are difficult for me to watch. Heavy heart for all involved in today's developments. SMH in handcuffing Aunty Moanikeala behind her back at 70 years old (in front would be more comfortable).

Progress does have indescribable /incalculable cost. It is not all about money.

Respected Opihikao, civil disobedience has been an integral part of the American political scene for some time now, and it has its uses. Thus, the Hawaiian demonstrators are behaving in a quintessentially American fashion. Along with that approach comes the likelihood of arrest, which all the participants were warned of well in advance. Yes, it hurts your heart to see Aunty handcuffed, but she had to know it would happen, and the cops have a procedure that they are required to follow for a number of reasons.

The TMT has gone through a long (and I think precisely followed) permitting process with multiple appeals involving both the permitting bodies and the courts. The construction crews have a right to do their work and travel on a public road. Although I disagree with the protestors, I do have some respect for anyone willing to go to that length for priciple. They knew there would be consequences, however, and the arrests were entirely legal and proper. JMHO
Absolutely, Chunkster. Well stated. Mahalo for the balancing of my na'au in this part of the TMT discussion.

As of this hour, it is my understanding the arrests so far were handled with utmost respect from both sides. $250 bail set, and paperwork, all pau (go eat lunch, go home, go back up mauka, etc.).


ETA: (*off topic, sorry, but found this interesting)

"Gandhi called his overall method of non-violent action Satyagraha. This translates roughly as "Truth-force." A fuller rendering, though, would be "the force that is generated through adherence to Truth."
"Gandhi practiced two types of Satyagraha in his mass campaigns. The first was civil disobedience, which entailed breaking a law and courting arrest. When we today hear this term, our minds tend to stress the "disobedience" part of it. But for Gandhi, "civil" was just as important. He used "civil" here not just in its meaning of "relating to citizenship and government" but also in its meaning of "civilized" or "polite." And that's exactly what Gandhi strove for.

(*Snipped - More at link)
travel on a public road

Not platted, so "a road open to the public".
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