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TMT groundbreaking - live
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

not my intention to ruffle prideful feathers, opihikao, quite the contrary. just some food for thought. Smile

A'ole pilikia, PM2, as food for thought is good. Perhaps I should spend more time composing my thoughts, as it was not my intent to make this racial. Na'au is just unsettled due to the angst on both sides of this issue, and pu'uwai is sore.

Southernmost, our Native American Indian brothers and sisters continue to stand with us all. Mahalo for that article. Imua e na poki'i, with "kapu aloha".


ETA: P.S. I am not opposed to this project, given the years of negotiations and discussions those who make final decisions have had. Just concerned about the process we are going through.
"Back to topic, apparently there are talks to cease the construction until after Merrie Monarch. Perhaps this is part of finding that middle ground. When confirmed, I will post a link."

just a hunch, but if so, i would suspect a strong motivation for postponing construction until after Merrie Monarch would be the distinct possibility of more confrontation during cultural festivities not being the best scenario for smoothing already rippled waters. in any case, i'd agree it's better to avoid marring Merrie Monarch with unpleasant and potentially volatile political friction, distracting from celebrating all the beautiful talent.
and that's the less neutral way of interpreting it, completely biased to your own radicalized personal viewpoint, dakine. "thousands of us, coming out in mass", "start a revolution" won't be taking the rights of any of my friends or family with your angry fanciful fantasies.
True feelings....that have to wait for a convenient recreational event in town so as to save on travel costs. This after years of well publicized negotiations and permitting efforts.

Opihikau, I find most of your posts well thought-out and reasonable, but sometimes you have to tell it like it is. The "process" we are going through now is that a vocal minority who didn't get their way are trying to derail a project that will make Hawaii a world player or keep it so as it already is, pumping millions of dollars into the economy, an economy that for the most part has been based on Big Sugar, the military, and prostituting the Aloha Spirit and so this would be a refreshing and uplifting change, a step in the right direction. They don't know how Pele or any other deity feels about it. They don't know how the ancient Hawaiians (who despite a general reverence for the mountains saw fit to operate a quarry high on the slopes of this sacred mountain because the quality of stone there had material value) would have felt about it. They ought to know how the majority of people now living in Hawaii feel about it but apparently they don't care. They DO know how THEY feel about it. Apparently that's all that matters to them so forgive me if my opinion is all that matters to me. The sincerity of their beliefs is undercut and crippled by the lack of credibility they have earned themselves. Despite my generally high opinion of you and your posts I feel that you are enabling them in a cause that has no merit.
wow, I guess bail is posted at 250. That would make it very expensive to do this more than a few times. I doubt anyone is going to be starting a revolution over TMT, but well, to each their own. I think all the Telescopes should be pulled out of Hawaii... No money, no funding, no nothing to the big island. Build these things were people are Happy and Acceptance to science and tech. Hate to say it but Hawaii sucks and you think there aren't any jobs now, wait till this industry leaves. When they do, maybe target and walmart, safeway, home depot can follow along with em.

Personally, I'd rather see a TMT getting built than another 4 lane highway and parking lots. But to each their own.

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Originally posted by MarkP

True feelings....that have to wait for a convenient recreational event in town so as to save on travel costs. This after years of well publicized negotiations and permitting efforts.

Opihikau, I find most of your posts well thought-out and reasonable, but sometimes you have to tell it like it is. The "process" we are going through now is that a vocal minority who didn't get their way are trying to derail a project that will make Hawaii a world player or keep it so as it already is, pumping millions of dollars into the economy, an economy that for the most part has been based on Big Sugar, the military, and prostituting the Aloha Spirit and so this would be a refreshing and uplifting change, a step in the right direction. They don't know how Pele or any other deity feels about it. They don't know how the ancient Hawaiians (who despite a general reverence for the mountains saw fit to operate a quarry high on the slopes of this sacred mountain because the quality of stone there had material value) would have felt about it. They ought to know how the majority of people now living in Hawaii feel about it but apparently they don't care. They DO know how THEY feel about it. Apparently that's all that matters to them so forgive me if my opinion is all that matters to me. The sincerity of their beliefs is undercut and crippled by the lack of credibility they have earned themselves. Despite my generally high opinion of you and your posts I feel that you are enabling them in a cause that has no merit.

Aloha, MarkP. Mahalo for your kind thoughts and opinion. Very true. Points taken. Especially being an "enabler" (just had that conversation yesterday re: grown kids! Ugh. I AM an enabler. [xx(])

The difficult task of living with one foot in each world has become more challenging when the heart hurts.

Wahine (menopausal, combined with Hawaiian uhane (spirit) and upbringing, makes for a perfect storm of "enabler".

Mahalo again. (Going back outside to yell at the mo'opuna who didn't wash the car yet, nor did they do their laundry, and I already gave them money for ice cream. OMG. [B)])

Jason Momoa

Also Pro Surfer Dustin Barca from Kauai and former pro Bodyboarder Kau'i Kauhi from Waimanalo
have made the journey over. Seems like the movement is growing, 13,000 signatures on a recent petition and Facebook blowing
up with many against the 300 million dollar telescope being built there.

ETA: changed 30 billion to correct figure 300 million.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
"Seems like the movement is growing, 13,000 signatures on a recent petition and Facebook blowing up with many against the 30 billion dollar telescope being built there."

30 billion dollar project? Please.

I understand the emotions some might have, but the bull**** is not coming from the TMT or science community. You've already seen some of the stuff that is made up. Gypsy69 brought in Lake Waiau which has nothing to do with the observatories, it's just a dishonest attempt to associate the low levels of water in the lake over the last few years. How could that have anything to do with the TMT? It's not here yet.

It's the same tactic used in the lawsuits. Lots of lies. For example, one of the lawsuits mentioned the extensive fencing at the summit. There is none. It was a lie.

And I won't mention her name, but something that I'm most furious about. One of the leaders of this protest used to work as a telescope operator at the summit. During that time she had no problem desecrating the summit by throwing her cigarette butts all over the summit area. Protectors of the summit? No, unless Poli‘ahu is addicted to nicotine and needs a drag on some butts.
Sorry my bad, 300 to 400 million telescope, 1.4 billion total. I must've confused 300 million with 30 billion. A massive amount of money no matter.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
People do make mistakes, no one is perfect.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

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