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Billy Kenoi gets a what??
Originally posted by gypsy69

Our mayor admitted his wrong use of this credit card, he takes Full responsibility. He was warned and yet continued using it, bad judgement on his part. Very hard to watch the video of him explaining or apologizing for this type of behavior. He looked very uncomfortable shifting from side to side, he also did not want to mention names of folks he was with at the bar, why not? If you use someone else's credit card, they may want to know why or what on? He wants to take full responsibility for several dozen times he used this credit card unjustly, yet does not feel he should resign. No mention at all about needing time with his family for possible healing due to all this embarrassment, maybe his family was with him in the evergreen bar? His ethics, morals, and values seem to have left him during these hard times in Puna, if he ever had any. My teenage sons are very disappointed in our mayor's decisions and spending habits, they feel what he did was wrong and in no way should be a leading example of our New Puna community today. He gets an F for family, he gets an F for mayor, he gets an A for being a good lawyer, he will get a pass from the mafia.

Well put Gypsy. Good to hear your boys are learning from this experience. Too bad its a `what not to do` example...
What is a pCard?

The pCard (purchasing card) program is similar to a credit card and is designed to streamline the payment process for small purchases. It replaces the labor-intensive purchase order system by allowing employees to charge small purchases from vendors without having to prepare a purchase order and subsequently processing an invoice. The cards are the property of the government and are issued to responsible, trained employees to make official purchases. The pCard program improves management controls, provides expenditure data, increases purchasing efficiency and allows payment to vendors by the card issuer generally within a few days of purchase.

Note that the pCard is a method of payment and does not replace procurement procedures.
Any word from Mitch Roth?

Not that I'm aware of so far. You know he turned it over to the state Attorney Generals office for investigation to keep it as unbiased and unaffected as possible. Everybody knows everybody here or are related, hard to clean up ones own backyard as the old saying goes. Our backyard, this island is particularly hard to clean up. Talk to anyone in charge, it's all about who you know 95% of the time. Smart move, from a smart guy, Mitch Roth.
Now we'll see how serious the Attorney General will be. Kenoi has less political traction there than here, but he does have connections in Honolulu, especially in the Dan Inouye faction of the Dem party. Frau Chunkster's old friend who works in the Dem office in HNL says that Kenoi's star in the party was already fading before the dukey hit the fan on the pCard issue, but who knows? We've laid in a stockpile of popcorn for this drama.
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
It would be interesting to find out if Billy had to sign anything when he was given his pCard.

The Star-Advertiser had an article about this a couple days ago. It is behind their paywall, but you can read the full article via the Proquest news database if you have a library card.

Kenoi probably should have had a lawyer look this over before signing. Oh wait...

Excerpt: Kenoi's excuses cannot overcome the plain facts
Here is what Mayor Billy Kenoi signed when he was given a Hawaii County purchasing card (pCard):

"I understand that the use of the pCard to make personal purchases is prohibited, unless specifically authorized. I will not use the pCard under any circumstances for unauthorized personal use."

The 12 pages of rules for how county employees may use the credit card include the warning that they could be subject to disciplinary action is "the pCard is used to purchase alcoholic beverages (unless within the Mayor's policy) or any substance, material or service which violates policy, law or regulations ..."

The mayor's policy, according to news reports, is that county employees can buy booze if "necessary for the entertainment of dignitaries by the Mayor or others."

The pCard is given to county employees "to make small purchases to reduce the number of purchase orders needed."

Purchases must be budget items "for a legitimate department purpose."

And if you don't follow the rules, besides having to give up the card, you could be "subject to further disciplinary measures."

Those are the rules.
Those are the rules.

...and the Rules are for Everyone, right?
Originally posted by kalakoa

Those are the rules.

...and the Rules are for Everyone, right?

We shall see...
We shall see...

We pretty much basically already have.
Wait for the fat lady to sing.

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