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TMT groundbreaking - live
Quote from Marcus Garvey: "between the Ku Klux Klan and the NAACP, give me the Klan on honesty for the purpose towards the Negro. They are better friends to my race, for telling us who they are, and what they mean, thereby giving ourselves a chance to stir for ourselves."

Wouldn't disagree with that.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Does a successful, smart, educated Native Hawaiian with a PhD or two not own that?

Not a valid comparison, because we don't really know how they lived pre-contact, only what happened during and after. History suggests a caste system which may have mitigated the collection and measurement of "wealth".

It's all irrelevant given what we have today: the State says "we own it and may grant leases at our pleasure", Native Hawaiians are not represented in that process.
yak asks;
"As such, do you believe that there is a process to address these concerns that still allows for the TMT to be constructed on Mauna Kea?"

I think it's too late. If UH and the State had included the Kanaka Maoli in the process from the start, things would be different. This isn't just about the Telescope; It's a continuation of the second Hawaiian Renaissance that started in the seventies, a reaction to the marginalization of another indigenous culture.

What if State's attitude was;
"Let's work together to meld tradition and Manaó with technology; Let's create extensive science programs for our under served youth, with a goal of meaningful employment".

Instead of;
"We're going to build ourselves a massive facility on your so called sacred mountain because we know what's best for everyone. There will be some janitorial and security positions open for locals, but don't worry, you will still qualify for EBT benefits".

Well written snorkel, agree completely.
Originally posted by snorkle
What if State's attitude was;
"Let's work together to meld tradition and Manaó with technology; Let's create extensive science programs for our under served youth, with a goal of meaningful employment".

Thanks for the reply snorkle. Would, or even could, these science programs have included the building of TMT on Mauna Kea?
Snorkle, you da man.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

ETA: p.s. - ironyak will NEVER stop.
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
It's all irrelevant given what we have today: the State says "we own it and may grant leases at our pleasure", Native Hawaiians are not represented in that process.

Kamehameha School Trust managed by the Bishop Estate, and OHA are two organizations where native Hawaiians should have a say in how they are educated and housed today. Considering the amount of money available, and the land they oversee, how well are they doing?

A 1995 Wall Street Journal article described Bishop Estate as "the nation's wealthiest charity," with an endowment estimated at $10 billion - greater than the combined endowments of Harvard and Yale universities.[24] As of June 2011, the endowment was US$9.06 billion.[10]

The office’s land holdings as of June 30, 2011, had a value of
$24.4 million and were primarily comprised of Waimea Ahupua‘a on
O‘ahu ($13 million) and Wao Kele o Puna on Hawai‘i Island ($11.3 million). The office acquired the 1,800-acre Waimea Ahupua‘a
for $3.9 million in 2006 to protect in perpetuity the cultural and natural resources on the property. The office acquired Wao Kele o Puna, which includes 25,856 acres of forest land, in FY2007 from The Trust for Public Land. In addition to Waimea Ahupua‘a and Wao Kele o Puna, land owned, leased, and managed by OHA includes the Pahua Heiau, Kekaha Armory, and the Waialua Courthouse in Hale‘iwa. In April
2012, Governor Abercrombie signed an agreement settling claims dating
back to 1978 regarding revenue generated by Hawai‘i’s ceded lands.
The settlement gave OHA 30.7 acres of state land on the Kaka‘ako
waterfront, known as the Kaka‘ako Makai area, estimated to be worth
$200 million. Subsequent to June 30, 2012, OHA also acquired the
Gentry Pacific Design Center and 511 acres of former Galbraith Estate

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"I think it's too late. If UH and the State had included the Kanaka Maoli in the process from the start, things would be different. This isn't just about the Telescope; It's a continuation of the second Hawaiian Renaissance that started in the seventies, a reaction to the marginalization of another indigenous culture." -snorkle

Just like the Michael Brown fiasco. Darren Wilson is and was a caring good person, completely non-racist, but he has guards around the clock due to death threats. Because Michael Brown the classic evil thug is a symbol of some bullhockey.

It's all about themselves, their supposed plight up at the summit. Screw the Canadians, their hard earned money, the astrologers and everyone else involved.

The one thing this immature group has not learned is that we are all flawed, all of history is full of flaw and there's a reason for it, you grow and develop character. Attempting to go back and tit for tat every perceived wrong is impossible and not healthy thinking. Learn to forgive and just maybe some of your children will be astronomers someday. Or teach them to be destructive and selfish like you are doing right now. Your choice, be great or be of low character.

My polynesian Hawaiian friends are ashamed, literally, when hearing of this criminal self-centered behavior. Auwe!
Punatick, you are so full of it. What you say doesn't matter on this moku. It may mean something to the people who think like you on PW. and Hawaiian friends??! PLEEEASE

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Punatick, please show your Hawaiian friends all your posts and see if they are still your friends. That is if they are actually real.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

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