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TMT groundbreaking - live

Subject: Mauna Kea we are with you.

Mitakuye Oyasin!

We the Keepers of the Sacred Sites have heard your calling. Your prayers and your journey to your Sacred Site of Mauna Kea is not only important to your culture and tradition, but we the Spiritual Leaders and Medicine People know that the Sacred Site is part of all of our lives. In our tradition and culture, this is like a Church, a Temple, a Sacred Place, where we do our prayers. We extend our heart and prayers for your Nation to protect, not only the Sacred Site, but the Mini Wic’oni (water of life), which is the most important part of our ceremonies along with the fire and air.

We have a prophecy from our Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate, that when the white animals show their sacred color white, we will be at the crossroads of important effort and decisions for all our future and that you see today with the recent White Whale Migaloo visiting your territory. Many People like you are taking a stand to protect Mother Earth’s power points, her sacred sites known as chakras. We continue to pray for each and every one of you, as you step forward to protect the Sacred Holy Place. You are not alone. All the People that live in your territory need to stand with you now, the direction we are going is not good. People in this western society must understand where we are coming from; we are coming from our Sacred Sites and ceremonies, People of theEarth.

In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!

Hec’el oinipikte (that we shall live),

Chief Arvol Looking Horse,

19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

(edited to make the link work)
Wise words from a very wise man. Mahalo lokahi, I had posted the link earlier in this thread also. The immense support from around the world is insane. Yesterday at Giants Stadium, there was the words WE ARE MAUNA KEA on the scoreboard! Mahalo World MLB Champion San Francisco Giants! C'mon Oakland A's(my team)!!lol... Seems like a lot of present and past WORLD CHAMPIONS are supporting 'a'ole TMT! Doing what's PONO!

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

Add: Hawaiian Chad Owens from the World Champion Argonauts of the CFL joins:
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Southermost, I hadn't read all of this post so I missed that you posted it earlier. Mahalo to you too to for posting it. It deserves reposting at any rate because to me it explains the problem we are dealing with.

To those who have never quieted down and felt mother earth's chakras Mauna Kea is just a mountain and they don't understand the opposition to the TMT. Whereas those who have participated in ceremonies felt them and know that it is a sacred place and that it's preservation benefits the well being of the living being we call earth and consequently humankind.
"Any -- We Are TMT -- kind of sites out there?"

Not really because just like everywhere else , the Silent Majority have jobs to go to.
Also they believe in the process in place and the 7 years of public hearings ,environmental studies and benefit studies.

The protesters are the same group that protested GMO,PGV and cutting down albizia trees among other things.
What Obie said.

And snorkel, if anyone should be able to find my sarcasm - I think it'd be you.
I wish that the TMT financiers would tally the estimated amount of money lost by the delay in construction and file suit against the protesters for reimbursement.

Or maybe they should file suit versus some imagined deity, after of course, they commune with the chakras and participate in a ceremony or two so they actually know what they are talking about.

I wonder what ludicrous requirements will be lofted forward next before you can have an opinion on the subject that might be different!
Originally posted by Punatic007

Originally posted by Southernmost

Punatick, please show your Hawaiian friends all your posts and see if they are still your friends. That is if they are actually real.

Punatick: I prefer the company of those of noble character. None of my Hawaiian blood friends support sovereignty, they all find it embarrassing, ignorant and holding us all back from greater potential. Many are humanitarians and well known for their good works. Truly good people get beyond race and nationality. It doesn't matter.

[quote]Originally posted by 2liveque

Some of you posters are very HA-OLE. No breath. So quick to marginalize culture by branding these "activist" the way you do. HA-OLE. No "good" breath. Good and full of aloha on the outside, but ethnocentric and bigoted on the inside. In Hawaii, your insides matter, and forums like these certainly prove that the insides of some of you posters are are not pili with how the rivers flow in Hawaii.

Mauna a Wakea is not the first protest. As a matter of fact, 32,000 kupuna signed the Ku'e petition many generations back. So you can try to deconstruct the happenings of yesterday and brand folks as you may. But we Kanaka have been protesting such occurrences for years. And sadly, we have always been on the short end of the stick. We will keep protesting because in all reality, we have been subjugated to have no other directions.

The HA-OLE, will never see it through our lens. The HA-Ole will always vilify and reduce us. The HA-OLE will make senseless connections to Mauna Kea and "the great Hawaiian astronomers of the past." The HA-OLE will reduce our efforts to we being against everything, when in all reality, we are not. But for AINA, we will keep protesting. And for the record, the HA-OlE is not just white people. It also encompasses the beneficiaries of white money and rule. Such is the TMT. So don't be so defensive when hearing HA-OLE. Most of Hawaii's plantation-descendent AJA's are HA-OLE. Especially many of the politicians. There are many Hawaiians too who are HA-OLE too.

Remember, we don't protest to just protest. Study the issues. Learn the history. Then you won't be so quick to discredit our mission....or maybe you still will. People will be people. HA-OLE will be HA-OLE, regardless. This is the world we function in.

No can. SMDH.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Originally posted by lo-ka-hi

Southermost, I hadn't read all of this post so I missed that you posted it earlier. Mahalo to you too to for posting it. It deserves reposting at any rate because to me it explains the problem we are dealing with.

To those who have never quieted down and felt mother earth's chakras Mauna Kea is just a mountain and they don't understand the opposition to the TMT. Whereas those who have participated in ceremonies felt them and know that it is a sacred place and that it's preservation benefits the well being of the living being we call earth and consequently humankind.

Isn't there a plethora of sacred sites on this island? Why not have peace on earth by honoring science too? We are so blessed here to have a choice of being a scientist for example one day and the next praying at a sacred site. To maintain our optimal lifestyle we need to respectful. If it wasn't for science most of us would be dead by now, i.e. vaccines. Wise men and women throughout history have looked to the stars for practical reasons like navigation, to understand cycles of life and for inspiration. We can now look to the stars more effectively than ever before, so much to learn about life, the universe and ourselves. The sky is the limit and we are greatly blessed.

Having this fabulous opportunity on our island including the huge and necessary boost to the local economy is truly a blessing to be grateful for every day in our prayers.

The very least the astronomy community deserves from all of us is gratitude, respect and a big Aloha!

Time to get on the love train.
I wonder what requirements will be lofted forward next before you can have an opinion on the subject that might be different!

Perhaps those who wish to express an opinion about the TMT on Mauna Kea could conduct themselves as in the past. That is, if they arrive from another island they would travel here by outrigger or voyaging canoe. Once on the Big Island, or for those already here, those who wish to speak for or against the TMT would then approach the mountain on foot.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Gotta admit I was not aware of the shallow aquifer in the saddle region but my point is still valid that very little of the water in it comes from the top of mauna kea. I still feel that harping on the TMT affecting any aquifers is bogus.

Will there be resistance to the development and exploitation of this new aquifer? Seems like very little is known about it. Yes it gets the drill bit wet, but how much will it sustainably yield?

In general I just don't get how a few thousand tons of concrete and steel negatively affects what is essentially a pile of volcanic rubble weighing centillions of tons. I know, it's the "spirit" of the mountain. Just don't bother to reference the size, mass, or number of observatories then as their physical measurements are insignificant compared to those of the mountain.

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