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Let's say the TMT protestors succeed...
...Today we have a new generation of Hawaiians who insist on resurrecting the old gods and superstitious beliefs which were used by the elites of Hawaiian society to oppress and subjugate the common people. They claim to represent the wishes of our ancestors, but who exactly are they speaking for? There is no evidence, historical or otherwise, to suggest that our ancestors would have opposed the construction of a device that would have allowed them to see stars that they have never seen before. Indeed, there is no historical evidence to suggest that our ancestors were opposed to ANY new technology of ANY kind. I’ve scoured the historical record and I have been unable to find any instances where Hawaiians were against science and technology en masse. This new movement appears to be an entirely novel concept, but where is it coming from?
Neo-luddism and new age spiritualism, imported directly from California and the mainland, have combined with certain aspects of Hawaiian culture to form a brand new religion/culture. This new anti-science movement is opposed to all kinds of beneficial technologies, from telescopes to genetic engineering and even vaccines. Many Hawaiians, economically disadvantaged and lacking a proper education, fall victim to these kinds of ideologies because they offer the promise of “ancient knowledge” as a solution to modern problems. This highly idealized version of history is extremely popular with many Hawaiians. But this neo-luddite view is ahistorical and ignores what life was really like before contemporary history and what life was really like under the kapu system for the vast majority of kanaka maoli...."
read more intelligence here...

Dont be a lemming jumping all on the Mauna Kea 'Bandwagon' because you think its cool to be like Kelly Slater (lol), and/or so the 'pseudowannabe locals' will like ya better...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
Well said, bananahead.
Originally posted by PunaMauka2
pretty much anyone's guess, right? ...dakine provided some highly imaginative utopian-to-him visions involving global salvation through a de-industrialized Hawaii throwback, a selective forced exodus, and worldwide racial segregation. i haven't seen any version provided by HOTPE yet. my current version involves rightfully returning the 'aina to Hawaii's extinct flightless bird species after they have been resurrected by upcoming advances in DNA technology.

Oh PM2, those are some nice straw men you've put together; should provide good nesting spots for your reintroduced bird species (as long as they have their proper GMO labels of course Wink
lol ironyak. i know i can count on you to spot a strawman in the haystack. ...kidding and any between-the-lines meaning aside, i do feel a certain melancholy when thinking about those flightless birds being wiped out.
A great auk-ward truth?

ETA correct species of pun
I guess the sacredness of the mountains in Hawaii only apply to the areas where the telescopes are and where the geothermal plant is located and the military bases are located.

The nearly 50,000 cesspools and all of junk cars ,refrigerators and household trash is all in non sacred places.

Originally posted by Obie

I guess the sacredness of the mountains in Hawaii only apply to the areas where the telescopes are and where the geothermal plant is located and the military bases are located.

The nearly 50,000 cesspools and all of junk cars ,refrigerators and household trash is all in non sacred places.

I wouldn't have any trouble re-routing them all to the criminally inappropriate residential geothermal plant bordering our local subdivisions.

On subject, it's gonna fizz out like the Ferguson debacle, truth will come out and everyone involved will look like a fool.

These are angry people. As someone who worked and sailed with Greenpeace in my wild youth when it was a big deal, the Rainbow Warrior and all, I can tell you this faction of protesters are mostly dysfunctional angry people. And this is the mis or displaced outlet for their repressed anger. I've seen and diagnosed it professionally. The rest have varying agendas ranging from predators who enjoy the criminal aspect to those who don't have a life and those who consider this fashionable due to the propaganda of living in an apologist society.

One or two big steps backward for mankind and very disappointing. This is what happens when wounded people don't do their inner homework.

All the talk on here over the years, don't try to remake Hawaii, one needs to adapt...or you won't survive and won't fit in. Too funny.
when it snows again, most of the bandwagoning protesters will be up there in the telescope's parking lot in their new high tec SUVs and 4X4 PUs with high tec stereos, and smartphones in hand... and you WILL NOT hear a peep from them then...

lets see them hike barefoot, in kapa, with a few potatoes, poi, and mountain apples in hand, and a gourd of badwater .... and play in the snow... wouldnt happen because it was kapu to go above the tree line in preKapu (1819) Era... now these hypocrites cant wait til NativeFM tells them "The Road to Summit is Open" and they can go get their shovel fulls of snow in back of PU and bring it back to beach to show off ...

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
seriously makes me wonder why some people live here.

Here's another answer (below) to the question from another thread (above) :

These are angry people.
mostly dysfunctional angry people.
mis or displaced outlet for their repressed anger.
predators who enjoy the criminal aspect
propaganda of living in an apologist society.

Aloha, lucky we live Hawaii?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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