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Big Island police investigate officer-involved sho
Originally posted by damien007

As time goes on, I think individuals that seem to think their decision process would be better suited when:

- They were not there and have no idea of the imminent circumstances.

- Have absolutely no training or experience in the use of deadly force.

- Armchair quarterback based on their personal agendas.

- Make assumptions such "ice heads" written all over them along with the fact both incidents are the same individual by rushing to write here on this blog.

FACTS not assumptions!

FACT: This is a forum, not a blog. If Rob was the primary writer and the rest of us just commented on his writing it would be a blog. But it is an open community forum where people post both facts and opinions. Get your terms write if you are going to claim to be the all knowing supporter of FACTS in all caps.
Get your terms write

Excellent pun. Gotta love English.
What if the bullet ricochet'd off the car and passed through the hose of some guy watering his cucumbers; the resultant stream of water goes into an electrical outlet causing a circuit to short out; resulting in an area line to trip with a regional power outage; The control tower at Hilo Airport goes black and a landing United flight flies right into the Prince Kuhio Plaza?

Do you think that Officer was thinking of the possible consequences of his reckless action when that car was coming at him? I think not.
Yes Lee,

What if the two different suspects didn't actually drive at the police officers but instead that is a circumstances in which an officer is justified in use of deadly force? I find it hard to believe that a common criminal selects to attempt to kill a police officer by running them over... that's a big jump from simply attempting to flee.

If it were the MO of one particular individual I could buy it but when it's an act of two different individuals within such a close time frame here on the big island... that's a little hard to swallow.
"FACT: remember when a chance encounter with a LEO was a good thing? Not so much any more.Sad"

If your chance encounter doesn't start with you trying to run over a LEO who is directing traffic in a construction zone and you are driving on the wrong side of the road and you try to kill the officer with your stolen car your chances of it being a good thing may differ !
Originally posted by kalakoa

Get your terms write

Excellent pun. Gotta love English.

Wondered if anyone would pick up on that. Puns run in my family, drives the in laws crazy at family reunions.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Yes Lee,

What if the two different suspects didn't actually drive at the police officers but instead that is a circumstances in which an officer is justified in use of deadly force? I find it hard to believe that a common criminal selects to attempt to kill a police officer by running them over... that's a big jump from simply attempting to flee.

If it were the MO of one particular individual I could buy it but when it's an act of two different individuals within such a close time frame here on the big island... that's a little hard to swallow.

In the first instance there were plenty of witnesses to both the wrong side driving and driving at the cop, both drivers and construction workers were in the vicinity, in the second one they collided with the police car, so that is pretty hard to fake.
Caught ! Saw on the news this morning. Glad they're off the streets.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Shockwave Rider,
Aren't police cars to be used to force suspect vehicles off the road in such situations? I'm not surprised to hear the vehicles collided as that's fairly common in such situations.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Shockwave Rider,
Aren't police cars to be used to force suspect vehicles off the road in such situations? I'm not surprised to hear the vehicles collided as that's fairly common in such situations.

I am no expert on police policies and procedures, but the news story did not sound like that is what happened.

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