The winding scheme was considered by the generator guy when he observed last month. He was actually here on vacation but came to visit the problem. He was to research how the Ridgid was configured vs his Genset. He never reported back.
I have "wasted" month's looking for the problem to be other than the generator itself. After all, who wants to believe their brand new, just out of the box, very expensive thingamajig could possibly be at fault

After yesterday, I think I'm over that aspect.
I have flogged the outback / integration issue beyond death. The imbalance occurs regardless what is hooked up. I even retired the AC side of the outback. outback tech service has no clue, their system doesn't show any errors.
Nothing new that wasn't added months before and run on the old Genset without issue.
No tripping breakers , no warm breaker. This generator will trip the fx240 breaker at times. The Ridgid does not.
Can you tell this is frustrating grrrrrrrrr
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