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You're Fired!
Just a few questions. I'm not an expert on Hawaii labor laws and don't have time right now to do the research - maybe someone can help.

Does anyone know if the new job descriptions for the GM and bookkeeper posts have been approved by the Board? If not, under what conditions were the two who recently started working in these positions engaged?

Is "temporary" a legal definition of a category of employment? If so, does that definition include the conditions of employment (weekly hours, benefits, etc.)? Have those conditions been applied here?

If not a legal definition, who decided the conditions and how do those new conditions fit with Hawaii laws? My past experience with hiring "temporary" employees - not in Hawaii - is that they are engaged based on the existing conditions. That would mean, in the absence of approved job descriptions and conditions of employment, they would be working under the conditions that existed for the terminated GM and Administrative Assistant, including salary and benefits.

Are they independent contractors? If so, do their contracts specify the conditions mentioned above and such matters as supervision and compliance with the Association's rule and policies? Do they have provision for disciplinary action for non-compliance?

These questions are not intended as criticism. Since this Board has a history of not examining constraints (HPPOA Bylaws, State and Federal laws) before making decisions, I want to warn those members who care about the Association that there are possibilities for serious consequences for actions taken without careful thought.

Originally posted by mermaid53

Hulagirl1, you're obviously a friend of Jo's. Can't she ever speak up for herself? I guess she doesn't have to with people like you speaking "for her". That's what you usually see at meetings is others speaking for her even though she's right there at the table. Another puppet...

Another topic...please if you people want to get accurate information, go to the meetings. You won't get it on someone's HPP facebook page. The so called "minutes" are inaccurate. Go to the meetings yourself and get your own truth. I'm not on it but someone who is sends me the posts from time to time. Punatalk can be helpful at times, but there is also misinformation here.

Lots of misinformation going on out careful who you listen to if it's not first hand information.

Mermaid53, are you seriously saying that because I am in disagreement with how you spread gossip and rumors that I must be friends with Jo? Seriously? No, my comments are based on observations my husband and I have made over the past 6 months. Sorry to say, has nothing to do with Jo. You must be very disappointed. Try and be kinder and yes, pono.
Originally posted by janet
Does anyone know if the new job descriptions for the GM and bookkeeper posts have been approved by the Board? If not, under what conditions were the two who recently started working in these positions engaged?

Is "temporary" a legal definition of a category of employment?

Because the HRC3's chairperson is a professional HR person, the route of choosing temps for both bookkeeper and GM must be legal. HPP needed to fill those positions ASAP while HRC2's actions were assessed by HRC3. We were in the month of February at that point, our 8th month.

The board approved HRC3's assessment work. With the new employees being temps, allowed flexibility I believe to propose job descript changes "if needed" and to review the applicants' at hand to avoid further delays perhaps?

Prior to HRC3, there were no job descriptions approved by the board during my attendance at board mtgs. Screening was done by a "selection committee" prior to HRC3's involvement, per a board member at the March 2015 board mtg. I never saw a selection committee formed at a board mtg and have no idea who exactly was on that committee. After Nov's board mtg at a later date, w/4 brand new board members, 2 positions were on the table for the board to vote on. Whether there was more than 1 applicant per position or resumes provided for the board to review is unknown. Only the board knows that info.

The new HRC3 reported they weren't given HRC2 files in a timely manner and certain items weren't all the resumes received and screened by the selection committee. This report should be in the March 2015 board minutes, when they're available. I don't know if HRC3 ever got the resumes as there was no status report on this issue at the April board mtg.

These questions are not intended as criticism. Since this Board has a history of not examining constraints (HPPOA Bylaws, State and Federal laws) before making decisions, I want to warn those members who care about the Association that there are possibilities for serious consequences for actions taken without careful thought.


[quote]Originally posted by Hulagirl1
Try and be kinder and yes, pono.
Putting names out here like you have and spreading rumors yourself isn't pono and far from "kind". Try and follow your own advice instead of throwing shade at people. Your agenda is quite clear. "Try and be kinder and yes, pono hulagirl"

Posted by Hulagirl1 on 4/20/2015
I heard the newly hired GM started today. Hurray. Wait, isn't this the same applicant the first HR committee recommended. For that matter of fact, the new accountant is also the applicant the first HR committee recommended. Do you think that BJ Mullenix could have been wrong about first HR committee? Seems she might have some apologizing to do. Could be the first apology with many more to come......

I do not understand your point about the President needing to apologize. The notes of the January 21, 2015, meeting indicate that all the Board members were involved in the discussion of the Human Resources Committee.

Are you referring to action taken by the President outside a Board meeting? If so, would you explain what that action was and when it occurred?
At the last board meeting 4 board members were absent. Those missing members had multiple items on the agenda that therefore did not get addressed. The president complained that she has to do everything but she repeatedly said she "didn't know" or hadn't heard". So nothing has changed in almost 9 months. How many people get 9 months to get their act together and keep making excuses in the real world? The board refuses to work together and are willing to let us all pay the price for their behavior. So very sad.Pathetic actually. The members at the "special members meeting warned us many months ago. To think they were ostracized for being right.
Two Board members quit this week!
The Human Resources Committee also quit this week!
Orchidlandguy, have the resignations been posted? How did you hear about this?
Evidently the HR committee had a rather large argument with BJ in the office Monday over the new GM and what was required from the Association to hire him. Moreover, the argument was so bad that they had to call the police to handle the issues. Page and Ruth resigned and so goes the 3rd attempt at the HR committee.

The road foreman was instructed by Jo to purchase a tool needed to fix the pickup truck. When BJ found out about it she not only refused to pay for it, but docked his pay, then the registration for the pickup had expired and they blamed him for this also. Yes, they deducted the money for the expired registration from his pay totaling $255.
The registration has nothing to do with the road crew it comes in the mail and is a function of the Admin (yes Susan Escobar again)why not deduct it from her pay, oh that's right she is Jo's friend.

I said it would take 6-9 months for this to happen, what a sad day when these people removed the staff. There is only one employee left from the original staff, its the road foreman and after what they did to his pay I bet he will not be around much longer and their goes the Associations ONLY mechanic, now what!

All the original employees will have either been fired or quit.

Was the ENTIRE staff bad or the people who took over?

You be the judge!
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Evidently the HR committee had a rather large argument with BJ in the office Monday over the new GM and what was required from the Association to hire him. Moreover, the argument was so bad that they had to call the police to handle the issues. Page and Ruth resigned and so goes the 3rd attempt at the HR committee.

The road foreman was instructed by Jo to purchase a tool needed to fix the pickup truck. When BJ found out about it she not only refused to pay for it, but docked his pay, then the registration for the pickup had expired and they blamed him for this also. Yes, they deducted the money for the expired registration from his pay totaling $255.
The registration has nothing to do with the road crew it comes in the mail and is a function of the Admin (yes Susan Escobar again)why not deduct it from her pay, oh that's right she is Jo's friend.

I said it would take 6-9 months for this to happen, what a sad day when these people removed the staff. There is only one employee left from the original staff, its the road foreman and after what they did to his pay I bet he will not be around much longer and their goes the Associations ONLY mechanic, now what!

All the original employees will have either been fired or quit.

Was the ENTIRE staff bad or the people who took over?

You be the judge!

IF this is all true, and right now that is a big if, everyone involved in docking this employee's pay is in violation of wage and pay laws.

People are legally entitled to pay for all hours and days worked, and employers are almost never allowed to dock pay, with a few clearly defined exceptions that these events do not fall under. Even if there is willful damage to the employer's equipment they can only go after the employee through civil courts, but neither of these instances rise to that level.

These are exactly the sorts of illegal actions that would get a general manager or office manager fired, and are why it is so important to have a governing body to serve as a watchdog over how employees handle operations, to provide checks and balances so no one goes off half cocked and does something that could cost the HPPOA big dollars down the road.

When my partner was shorted on a paycheck, and the employer did not make good on it promptly, we did some research and discovered that the fines are very high for the people responsible, and are levied on the individuals, not the organization. As I recall it was $5000 per event per person and went up from there if there was a pattern of underpayment.

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