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TMT groundbreaking - live
I had read that pu'u on the top of Mauna Kea were the most sacred sites and my understanding is that the TMT will not be built on one of these.

Can anyone corroborate this assertion or have anything to add to this?

I, generally, understand that there are/were many sites held 'sacred' by the Hawaiians and from this I make the supposition that some places are/were more 'sacred' than others. From this supposition I take that not all land is 'sacred' in that why would a specific site be termed 'sacred' if all land were generally held to be 'sacred' the redundancy negates that avenue of logic.

I have also read that many of these 'sacred' sites are/were now sites of parks, military bases, etc. So, I too, wonder why a vocal minority would choose to protest the site of building a new telescope instead of something else.

I find it especially frustrating considering the claims that these protestors are not anti-science and that their ethnic group apparently once had a strong tradition and understanding of practicing astronomy, albeit primitive, long ago.

rainyjim - the key is that the protestors seem to stretch the truth and outright lie. It is NOT being built "on the summit" as many of them claim and there is no desecration of any old cultural sites being done.

It is being built on the Northern Plateau and extensive archeological studies were done before the approval. There are no burials there, etc. Heck, in that area, I don't think that there are even any plants growing. It is a really barren area.
Originally posted by pahoated

Sacred doesn't mean, "DON'T TOUCH!".

It means don't touch that tiny portion of land where they want to build the TMT. Bu you can touch the rest of the area apparently... I swear if they wanted to build a mcdonalds up there.. There wouldn't be any protesting about that... HHmmmmmmmmm.....

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"The sacred areas on Mauna Kea, there are many, are also well documented and mapped out"
Okay, please point me to the map of the sacred places. Preferably one published before the TMT was proposed.

"Your questions are showing total ignorance regarding the relationship between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa."
That's why I asked the question. Is Mauna Loa somehow less sacred?
"Sacred doesn't mean, "DON'T TOUCH!". It means treat with respect."

For example, building the world's finest telescope there? I call that the ultimate respect.
Originally posted by PaulW

The second letter today in the HTH today nearly convinced me to change my mind about the TMT, it was so well put:

holy smokes, the aura of high voltage crystal energy beaming through that letter just about blinded my third eye.

what's interesting is that i can imagine so many others in the community having a similar reaction to this letter, but i would bet that if you took essentially the same message and stylistically changed all the wording to express the "subtle energies that can be seen and felt by...ancestors of cultural wisdom" you would suddenly see a completely different popular reaction. maybe throw in a chant and omg, untouchable by anything but solemn reverence.
Most of us are aware that our human body has a subtle energy field. Our Mother Earth also has subtle energies that can be seen and felt by initiates of spiritual principles and/or ancestors of cultural wisdom.

My only question is, when the writer of that letter gets a crick in his neck does he call the doctor, a chiropractor, or his local geologist?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
having a tough time finding a real map of where the TMT is to go, but this might help:
Where will the observatory be located?

The 2000 Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan identified the preferred location for the next generation optical/infrared telescope as the 36-acre area identified as “Area E” on the northern plateau. The northern plateau is a relatively flat lava flow plateau below the summit ridge cinder cones. Area E is a portion of the northern plateau that is within the Astronomy Precinct and is situated approximately one-half mile northwest and roughly 500 feet below the existing optical/infrared observatories on the summit ridge.

The TMT fits the description of next generation optical/infrared telescope envisioned when the 2000 Master Plan was prepared. If located on Maunakea, the TMT would be located within Area E, at either the site referred to as 13N or E2, described above. The TMT Observatory would occupy an area of approximately 5 acres.
Obscenity-laced Facebook post calls for killing telescope supporters
Obscenity-laced Facebook post

After reading his post, I don't know where to begin. But somebody's got to teach that boy what "sacred" means.
People donated $11,000 to (or through) him? If I was one of them, I'd ask for a refund.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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