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TMT groundbreaking - live
Well, this guy did apologize profusely. Shifting the blame to PW folks, however, is childish. There's no excuse for that kind of language; it only degrades his stated beliefs.

Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Un Mojado Sin Licencia

"Well, this guy did apologize profusely. Shifting the blame to PW folks, however, is childish. There's no excuse for that kind of language; it only degrades his stated beliefs."

He apologized and lied at the same time. He did not explain how his year-old post contained a threat to beat someone up who only started a petition less than two weeks ago.

Please explain that.

"I have two questions:

1) would anyone on Punaweb who supports the Mauna Kea protesters consider this man a leader of the movement as he says he is?

1st question: No, but he is. He generates money to bring people from off island to protest on MK.

"2) has anyone here read something comparable by a TMT supporter? I don't mean unpleasant or uncivil, I mean truly comparable?"

I haven't, but sure Dakine will have an issue with that. Someone posted about bulldozing protesters out of the way, but this was on PW and not some guy who wants to kill us.

I'm watching out for the knives and guns as I write this.

Edited - shameful quoting.
in light of how bent out of shape you all got... nobody even raised an eyebrow to PM2

Maybe I'm missing something here.

dakine, would you point to the exact phrases you find similar? What I see is one guy wearing a black hood in an ISIS video, while the other guy trash talks in a bar to the guy sitting next to him, then 5 minutes later buys him a beer.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
good lord, now what. need i even dignify this ridiculous absurdity from dakine with a response?
This may just be the tip of the iceburg? Tomk, sorry to hear you and your crew are having to learn to protect yourselves. This one guys rant can and will be very contagious to these folks who are against The TMT project. These folks have been standing strong for decades now trying to protect Maunakea, their peoples history and future. Some of these protesters lack the same education and feel as if they are not being respected or heard. Yet the university and many visitors continue to drive past many sacred sites on their way up or down this grand mountain with no respect or knowledge of these people or their mountains history.
Middle ground is a very large grey area at the moment, the need for a good negotiator has come. Both sides will need to be truly heard, this will take time (Hawaiian time). This time can be used to clean the current messes up at the summit by packing and decommissioning a couple of the older telescopes as promised. Also time is needed to allow the courts their decisions to these and other sensitive issues involving hundreds and thousands of native Hawaiians.
Certainly i do not condone these types of threats, yet when warriors are backed into a corner or being shoved off their mountain, some will choose to stand, protect, and fight. Many things have changed since the experiments and contracts for these observatories first started atop maunakea. Obviously things have gone good for the observatory folks as the telescopes are only getting bigger and costing billions instead of millions. Can't say this has been an equal blessing for most of the folks who have had to watch the desecration of their sacred mountain and some important history. Money, respect, and promises seem to be the big issues, so time and patients will be essential to moving forward together. Jmo's.
P.S. I survived many kill hoale days here on this beautiful island, it has only made me stronger and more compassionate towards all mankind. Welcome to the jungle big business.
gypsy69: "Certainly i do not condone these types of threats, yet when warriors are backed into a corner or being shoved off their mountain, some will choose to stand, protect, and fight. "

A 37 year old man who threatens to beat up a high school girl for starting a petition is a coward, not a "warrior" . The obscene words he uses to describe women he disagrees with are among the most insulting words in the English language and his fellow "leaders" need to show some leadership and disavow his words or they are complicit right along with him.
oops post ed in wrong thread...moving
It's now "their mountain", is it? I thought it belonged to everyone.
Maunakea is everyones responsibility and is alive and worth protection. The current pace of changes being made atop Maunakea are troubling to many. The summit has been used and abused by those who were put in place to protect and return maunakea to its original state before the abuse. Good people from around the world from many professions are showing unity, compassion, and respect in trying to undue Maunakea's troubling past and future while regaining her sacredness for many before it is lost forever. This Tmt project is a defining moment of time for the islands of Hawaii. This state, country, and world has a chance to Respect or further divide these people of tomorrow?. Jmo.

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