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You're Fired!
"Again, please show some moral outrage against the illegal actions against a HPP employee!"

I will not be baited into any comment about an employee.
Maybe you should look back at the older HPP threads.
Any statements contradicting what is posted about HPP employees, current or fired, are met with threats and bullying. No thanks.

[quote]Originally posted by Katarina

Here we go again.

Yes, here you go again w/the same o same o Katarina.

People have been quitting committees, been getting fired and committees have been shut down since this board took over. It is still chaos and most importantly, the by-laws still are not being followed nor does the board care to learn them. State statutes and laws have been violated as well as employee rights. HPPOA is in a very precarious situation.

Again, nothing new to add nor any solutions. You are repeating what many already know and have posted. Why would someone keep posting the same ole information over and over but to hear herself?

Mermaid, obviously you do not know who I am.

I do know who you are "Katarina". You didn't and still hardly attend any HPP meetings. Your information is 2nd or 3rd hand. You look at the HPP picture with tunnel vision since you don't go to meetings. Therefore your posts are one dimensional.

You obviously don't "skip over mermaid's posts" as you keep claiming bc you're relentless in slamming my posts. Contradiction at it's finest. In your bias you fail to note that I also have great concern for HPP. Perhaps it pains you that we are in agreement w/HPP affairs. If you went to meetings, you'd know that I support bylaw followers only.

Where is the target on your back Katarina? It's easy to hide on Punatalk and make repetitive posts like you do. A lot of repetitive complaining and no action, which accomplishes nothing and makes evident to all that you don't attend meetings.

To the person who said 4 board members boycotted the last board meeting...J&J had personal matters to attend to. As for R&R, don't know why they didn't attend but one can only speculate. Those of us who were at the last meeting were frustrated that one of them didn't pass on very important Nominating Committee information to the other NC members who were in attendance.

The chairperson has failed in her duties from the start w/various delays, and the erroneous advertisement of the application expiration date (w/out board approval) which caused further mayhem. She turned away volunteers which again shows lack of good judgement.

To those of you who are concerned about Jamie and issues hppwatchdog posted here about Jamie:
Please check out these allegations directly with Jamie.
I will not post about employees issues, but strongly suggest verifying if any of these allegations are the truth.
Get your info directly from the source. The answers are short and simple.

Posted on HPP's website:

Special BOD Meeting to adjourn to Executive Session on May 5, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the library. Agenda items: Legal & Personnel

We only have 2 officers currently on the board.

The friends of HPP facebook lady announced she was called in for a deposition 1-2 days after the board meeting. Is this the "legal" item?
Getting "deposed" after attending a HPP meeting sounds like a good reason NOT to attend the meetings if you ask me. I can live without being involved in legal proceedings just fine, thank you very much.
Shockwaverider, Oijio, you are both too nice to be involved in these discussions. Apparently, this thread is not for sharing information that affects our community, but is for slinging mud, accusations and arrows at your neighbors. Kindness, tolerance and giving someone the benefit of doubt seem to be forgotten. IMHO it's just plain sad.
Mermaid, could you explain what you mean by only two board members? Has something else happened? Shouldn't we still have the Pres., the Vise Pres. and the Treasurer still on the BOD?

Kenney, the person who was deposed was a willing provider of information, not a victim.

Caveat emptor, we have 7 board members and currently 2 of them are officers...the Pres and the Treasurer. There's no Secretary bc she resigned from the board recently. What the current status of our officers are shouldn't be a secret. There's a conflicting report that Craig had been made VP. If not, then the VP position is currently vacant.
IMHO, much of this discussion would be moot if the BOD would do it's job, and fix the HPPOA website so it would provide honest, accurate, and timely information to it's members. We're all groping in the dark trying to figure out what's going on in HPPOA, and nipping at one another's heels in the(frustrated) process.

Amazing, Mermaid. I can't imagine anyone wanting to testify. Different strokes......
Ok! So, Mermaid what you are saying is that the VP who is/was Jo has resigned, is that correct? Because VP Jo was at a meeting this afternoon acting in her roll as the VP.
At an Oct 2014 morning board mtg, one of the board said they had hired a website designer, someone in Calif and was vague as to who it was or how this occurred. That info's in the minutes. There has been discussion during the last 2-3 board mtgs that our website is a big problem. This should also be in the minutes for you to verify.

Some board members are very frustrated at their inability to use the HPPOA email adrs for board business. They're all forced to continue using their personal emails. This has been going on for several months now.

It was discussed during recent board mtgs that the new website design was done by Dist 5's niece and appears there was no board vote to hire her, or other bids solicited. The niece has been paid for filling in HPP's info onto another company's template. Some of the board didn't know how much the association paid for this service or whether we were paying a monthly fee. They asked for the info and haven't been provided it yet as of the last board mtg.

Most on the board didn't have a clue to what extent the association is tied to Dist 5's relative and how to sever ties w/her after the board voted to do so a couple months ago. A motion was made at the last board mtg to hire a prof'l to sort it all out.

I asked if the HPP ofc girl is the middle person between the HPP board and the niece in getting things posted on our website and the answer is yes. This may be why we've been in the dark ages. It was also revealed that Dist 5's relative is going to school and that the website isn't her 1st priority. This is what a board member was told during her investigative phone call to her. This should be in the minutes.

We all should make sure the investigation continues. The board member who had spearheaded the investigation resigned recently.


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