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No one other than the office staff should EVER be privy to personal information. Did I say EVER? If Mermaid has been given any of our personal information she has crossed an ethical line. ( you can always say "I don't want to hear that")It is possible that these matters were discussed in the office among employees but that is where it stays. Anyway she is back to her (she can't help herself) outing etc, assuming the authoritative attitude she knows all and better. Not creditable. We now have a G.M. and he is the person to hire and fire and make sure the laws and by-laws are followed. I can't do it and BTW... even when this board(the ones who took office in June) know they are violating the State statutes and by-laws, has that stopped them? The interim G.M did not fix their mess and the board has not done 1 thing to rectify all their mistakes and intentional errors. It will take every member to financially pitch in to hire an attorney to get any action. The members who have tried to inform the membership where treated awful. They saw immediately what most may just now(10 months later) be seeing and tried to take action. If the likes of Mermaid would have joined the by-law abiding and supporting crowd, this disaster may have been nipped in the bud. Kinda late to be crying wolf and telling others to do something.
Orchidland guy, you need to proof read. Have you not heard of smart phones? You can text, post on face book, email, manage your banking, order online all while attending a meeting. Janet knows what she is talking about and does not get on here to rant. I appreciate her expertise in state statutes.She always clarifies with facts.
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quote: Originally posted by kalakoa
These people are MEMBERS of the Association
I suggest that "property owner" is an appropriate label for those who are merely "obligated" by having purchased land with a CC&R. "Membership" implies actual participation.
No CC&R's in HPP.
You can be a "property owner" and not a member of the association, no obligation required therefore, the correct name of an association member would be "Member"
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"The previous Pres and board also sidestepped our bylaws, and some knew which members hadn't paid for their road fees. I know first hand. A road crew person during your tenure also knew who did/didn't pay road fees."
But did they identify them at public meetings?
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No CC&R's in HPP.
Mandatory road fees, but you don't have to vote? Worse.
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Janet, one incident was by an employee (not the GM) at a membership mtg after a member complained about something. The members shouldn't have heard this info. The other person, a board member said it in a group of 3 of us. Not as an attack but discussing a visit to the residence to seek a solution in getting the member on a payment plan. We shouldn't have heard the name of this member during the conversation.
The current VP in her report at a board mtg last year said that members can't speak when they're behind on their road fees. Now the new Pres has tried to enforce it. I am looking through our bylaws...
Katarina, come to meetings and say what you need to say to my face instead of hiding behind PT and nit picking every time I post. Oh that's right, you don't attend any meetings as is evident in your posts that are also repetitious. Say it to my face and get over it, and save the other people here from hearing your tiresome rants.
AND watchdog is perfectly capable of defending himself Katarina, or are you watchdog? WD named names here on PT and said untruths aligning w/defamation. Outing him is what he deserves every time he names names and makes false claims or threats. Enough already.
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Here we go again... Mermaid; I was at this meeting and all the others you have accused me of not attending. I have spoken with you on more than occasion but the conversations were fruitless and like your posts here; all over the board. To help you out, I am not Watchdog nor associated with this person. He/she generally has good solid info and I am appreciative of it as sometimes it is hard to hear at the meetings over all the talking and poor acoustics. It helps fill in the blanks. I am for following the by-laws and the board after 10 months is yet to do anything by the book. 2 wrongs,or 10 for that matter, do not make a right. If you overheard something or someone shared what they shouldn't have, you were obligated to point it out each and every time. What Ruth did and said(and I witnessed it) was way over the top cruel, nasty and wrong. She has shown,she can not conduct herself appropriately. As I stated previously, the person who shared this personal info also needs a severe reprimand at the very least. This chaos, dysfunction and abuse has taken a toll on HPP members. The G.M. has a large task reigning in and rectifying all that has been turned inside out for 10 months. I hope he is up for the task and I hope he is supported as he tries to fix things and eliminate the all the ones who helped create this disaster, as it will not be pleasant but necessary.
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Thank you mermaid for confirming that none of the previous Board made such a disclosure of a member's personal information at a public meeting. I admit I got the wrong impression from what you had posted on 5/21:
"The previous Pres and board also sidestepped our bylaws, and some knew which members hadn't paid for their road fees. I know first hand."
and that was why I asked.
For general edification:
Since a member's good standing is relevant to several aspects of Association membership, especially the two most important - voting and sitting as a Director - Directors are required to have that knowledge.
But a Director (or employee) must not, under any circumstances, divulge that information to, or discuss it with, any person outside the Board or the employees. Doing so invites a lawsuit against the Director(s) who so act and the Association. If such information does become public, there is a very short list of "suspects".
If a member not in good standing attempts to exceed his/her authority, the Board must handle the matter privately. If that member decides to push the problem into a public forum, the Board, obviously, does not bear any responsibility for the disclosure.
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[quote]Originally posted by Katarina
To help you out, I am not Watchdog nor associated with this person. He/she generally has good solid info and I am appreciative of it as sometimes it is hard to hear at the meetings over all the talking and poor acoustics.
You need to reread what you write before you post. No one has ever thought you were one in the same as watchdog. You do know watchdog and like you, he doesn't attend HPP meetings as you claim. He is not a member. I have never had a conversation with you and the last time I saw you at a mtg was back in October.
What Ruth did and said(and I witnessed it) was way over the top cruel, nasty and wrong. She has shown,she can not conduct herself appropriately.
If you were at the meeting as you claim, why didn't you stand up and say something Katarina? You say you witnessed Ruth's cruel, nasty and wrong behavior, which means in your own words, "you were obligated to point it out each and every time." and you did not.
Thank you Janet for your recent post. The VP made a motion at an October 2015 board mtg that only members in good standing be allowed to receive financial reports and a chance to speak at Gen'l Membership Mtgs. The motion passed..
edited for posting this does not mean I believe this vote was valid. Intent was to give information only.
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posted by "Katrina"
"Here we go again... Mermaid; I was at this meeting and all the others you have accused me of not attending. I have spoken with you on more than occasion but the conversations were fruitless and like your posts here; all over the board. To help you out,"
To help you out? HOW CATTY , DEAR GOD, be an adult and introduce yourself at your next encounter.......the rest of us could care less about this nonsense .......
I for one appreciate her posts. She provides information about our Association affairs that I would not otherwise know. Mahalo for your posts, Mermaid......we might not always agree but I appreciate your time spent in posting.
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quote: Originally posted by mermaid53
[quote]Originally posted by Katarina
To help you out, I am not Watchdog nor associated with this person. He/she generally has good solid info and I am appreciative of it as sometimes it is hard to hear at the meetings over all the talking and poor acoustics.
You need to reread what you write before you post. No one has ever thought you were one in the same as watchdog. You do know watchdog and like you, he doesn't attend HPP meetings as you claim. He is not a member. I have never had a conversation with you and the last time I saw you at a mtg was back in October.
What Ruth did and said(and I witnessed it) was way over the top cruel, nasty and wrong. She has shown,she can not conduct herself appropriately.
If you were at the meeting as you claim, why didn't you stand up and say something Katarina? You say you witnessed Ruth's cruel, nasty and wrong behavior, which means in your own words, "you were obligated to point it out each and every time." and you did not.
Thank you Janet for your recent post. The VP made a motion at an October 2015 board mtg that only members in good standing be allowed to receive financial reports and a chance to speak at Gen'l Membership Mtgs. The motion passed..
The motion the VP made has no standing and is violation of the bylaws.
The bylaws CLEARLY state what you can't do as a member in arrears.
1. You can't vote
2. You can't be a director.
3. You can't chair a committee.
That's it folks.
Any motion made that contradicts the bylaws is invalid, has no merit and can't be upheld. Think about it, a board could make motions for what ever they wanted and exclude many owners, it just doesn't work.