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county inspectors used for harassment
If you obtain a permit, and have the periodic inspections thru final, it is supposed to be a "cost covering" (fees pay for records and file personnel and inspections on project). Inspectors arrive when requested.
If you have an expired permit, or no permit, it then becomes "Code Enforcement" a big money generator for the County, or jurisdiction it serves. All extra fines levied against property goes into the general fund (in theory), hence making the County or jurisdiction happy. On Code Enforcement cases, no pre arranged inspection is required, if home and refused entry, citation process starts, if not paid, possible tax lien until access granted to "start" inspection/permit process.

Community begins with Aloha
Originally posted by Tink...
If you have an expired permit, or no permit, it then becomes "Code Enforcement" a big money generator for the County, or jurisdiction it serves. All extra fines levied against property goes into the general fund (in theory), hence making the County or jurisdiction happy. On Code Enforcement cases, no pre arranged inspection is required, if home and refused entry, citation process starts, if not paid, possible tax lien until access granted to "start" inspection/permit process.

Community begins with Aloha

This is an extreme case. The fine typically starts at double the permit fee (as-builts if caught). So on a 1200 SF house it would be $240 ($120 + $120 fine).

Most times they give you a grace period to get it in. Planning takes at least 30 days to even get out to the place to check a violation if reported then a 30-60 day period to fix violation, then 30-60 days to come out and recheck. (Info via planning dept).

The inspectors in any of the departments cringe when they see complaints. They do not specifically want to cause drama but they must respond to complaints. Although the plan dept said they do not respond to anonymous complaints.

so this is how it is going so far. we have received letters from the planning department requesting more time to provide me with the information i requested. (copy of the complaint, copy of S.O.P., copy of the code enforcement regulations and their various consequences). i still intend to seek legal advice regarding our rights to this information and our rights not to be targeted by nasty, spiteful, malicious persons. my family has decided that there is little chance of me 'shutting up and keeping my head down in the hope it all goes away", so i might just as well stand up for all the other people that this affects. and it affects hundreds in the acres, and thousands spread across this mountain. i am still interested in any experiences people in these estates have had with the inspectors, good and bad, or experience with malicious complaints. please email me in confidence. i will post up what i find out as i find it out. Smile keep me in your positive thoughts and prayers.

Originally posted by birchlour rights not to be targeted by nasty, spiteful, malicious persons....

Although I totally get where you are coming from .... every one has the right to file a complaint, they also (until it goes to court) have the right to stay confidential.

Your best bet is to get the stuff done. Ask definitely for all the extensions, and keep a log book and pics of your progress.

As I know from ummmm.... a neighborhood that shall remain nameless, once someone gets that bug up their okole to harass you it doesnt stop and they draw their neighborhood friends into it. One of the people I know how a very valid point but once it started to escalate, he didnt stay calm, do his homework, and one more time STAY CALM. He totally would have appeared more sane and lobbyied more to his side but he went off half cocked no matter how right his position originally was.

Seems like you are doing really good by doing your homework, getting the issues in progress to be fixed. Dont engage in their drama. You win if you do not engage. and I am an engager since I believe in good for one, good for all and fight for the underdog, when it comes to Association rules. Doesnt get me anywhere. Now I just wave or graciously say hi, and frigging ignore the rest.

Associations and those involved across the board Puna to Kona, Puna to Kauai, Hawaii to New york have drama. As I remember yours was "HA Board drama-related" right? Retribution for Board related stuff? The bldg & planning dont care. They just gotta do their jobs.

You can try to win, but really get your P's&Q's together and step away from the game. Thats the only way to really win.

i agree with you and thank you for the advice. the drama at haca is separate from the actual complaint procedure. i need to remember that. Smile the drama at haca has no business on this site. the inspection and complaints procedures however do, or at least i think they do. i will try harder not to engage with the former. Smile

When the county brings infrastructure in places like Hawaiian Acres up to something resembling a 'code', then it may presume to enforce building codes there. But it seems hypocritical (to me) for the county to demand strict adherence to building codes on people who live where there is zero county infrastructure built to anything resembling code. If people want the convenience of building to code (insurance, resale marketability, access to electricity, etc) then they are welcome to do so. For those who simply need a place to live, have limited resources, and build sound, safe and sanitary structures in remote areas, they have a right to privacy, permit or not.


You can't fix Samsara.
then the sale of hawaiian acres property should be stopped and the subdivision should be written off as urban ghetto and left to fend for itself.
***Still can't figure out how to spell 'car' correctly***
the subdivision should be written off as urban ghetto and left to fend for itself.

In a way, this would be preferable: at least a decision would be made for all to see, no more "spot zoning".
so the latest:- i received a request for an appointment for the electrician. i received another letter saying i could have some of the paperwork on receipt of $1.40. they gave me copies of two more complaints, both anonymous. so here are the three complaints:-
"Complainant is concerned with four unpermitted structures on the property and with how wastewater is being disposed of." received on the web - 1/30
"There are numerous unpermitted structures on this property. there is also many vehicles coming and going from the property. the other problems involving the property, you can smell sewage or some other fowl odor" received at the counter (but anonymously) 3/11
"Numerous shacks like structures on the property. The smell (sometimes) of sewerage?" received via the counter - anonymous - 4/16
(n.b. the grammatical errors have been copied as is)

they apparently DO accept anonymous complaints, although i was given the impression at the meeting that they did not. the fact that my 'complainant' has made repeated accusations may explain the triple inspector bit. (although you would of thought that they would have just told me that ?)

They also gave me Section 5-59 to 5-64, Division 7, Chapter Five, Hawaii county building code. this talks about the general consequences of violating building codes as opposed to the procedure and actual consequences for the average Hawaiian acres owner.

i still need to discuss this with an attorney before i do anything else, and i will then make an appointment to see my local councilor to get the official county take on this.

as far as the actual complaints go, i am concerned about the statement about cars coming and going. (i wish we had an interesting and exciting social life, but we don't Smile there are few visitors here apart from holidays). i wonder if i am being set up for a drug raid? so i will ring the police today and make an appointment to see them too.


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