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You're Fired!
Would it not make sense to contract that attorney to examine all the Bylaws (current and the proposed changes) in comparison to HRS 414D?

There could be many things that this Bylaws Committee - and anyone who might have sent suggested changes to it - may have missed. Such omissions could lead to future adverse actions.
I have an idea, concentrate on paving the roads (the only real thing the board is empowered to do) and leave all the bs for when that is done.
Originally posted by janet:
Would it not make sense to contract that attorney to examine all the Bylaws (current and the proposed changes) in comparison to HRS 414D?

There could be many things that this Bylaws Committee - and anyone who might have sent suggested changes to it - may have missed. Such omissions could lead to future adverse actions.

An attorney will be reviewing the entire bylaws when the amended portion is completed. The last time the bylaws were amended back in 2008-2009, an attorney reviewed all the bylaws. That is part of the process.
Originally posted by dw12345:
I have an idea, concentrate on paving the roads (the only real thing the board is empowered to do) and leave all the bs for when that is done.

This topic should probably have it's own thread...but now that you've brought up paving the roads, how would you feel about chip seal on your road instead of asphalt?

Then we'll have 3 different categories of inequity on our property values. Those on dirt roads, chip seal and asphalt.

Then we'll have 3 different categories of inequity on our property values.

...and all 3 will pay the same dues (plus their share of the FTR and vehicle weight tax).
A healthy debate going... YES!!! And I for one love it!!!

"Mermaid is partially right in that an Executive Session can be used to consider the conduct of an employee, as stated in the Bylaws about the ambit of an Executive Session" I AGREE !
"A bad act is a bad act, no matter how many times it is committed or by whom." I AGREE!

"However, hppwatchdog is right that 414D has no mention of what can or should be included (or not) in the Bylaws for the domain of an Executive session. Therefore, the Bylaws are the final authority on this question (personnel issues, matters of litigation, or matters of attorney/client privilege)."
-------------------------------------------------------------------- YES!, I AGREE!!!!
"Any policy, handbook, memorandum, etc. must comply with the Bylaws, or they, too, are a waste of time, paper, ink and electricity. Any attempt to justify actions not sanctioned by the Bylaws (both positively and negatively) could be considered an effort intended to contravene those Bylaws."
" YES AGREE!!! negligence? willful misconduct? WE DON'T NEED THIS !!!!!

Mermaid writes
"An attorney won't be consulted by the BLC until all proposed amendments are completed and that is a way's away."

This is not in the abstract or the future.....What started this conversation was my receipt of a document from our office that need not be passed out or considered valid.

The board received from me in writing my position of any memorandum or policy granting our Board AUTHORITY to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of "Behavior allegation" (Board member, Association member). In writing , I requested that they consult an attorney before engaging in such activity NOW. ( I consider my written correspondence to our Board members of record a "Consider yourself Duly notified" heads up. Their actions are their choice).

Mermaid I have served on the bylaw committee that worked on more than one change. It was NOT MY experience that an attorney automatically be consulted !! On one particular proposed change, I dug in my heals with 2 points. (1) I believed property owners who either had their plans approved by the county or were in the process of approval be exempt . (2) The method of enforcement chosen by our committee was to impose fines , then if left unpaid , foreclosure.
I requested an attorney and was told it was not in our budget....we didn't have one Smile
The 2 points were considered by the committee and changes were made .I was on board with what our committee was recommending. It was passed by our association, "adopted" and can be found on page 26 of our bylaws, Article XIII Road Policies. However, To this day I do not know if an attorney was ever consulted .
Janet writes
"Would it not make sense to contract that attorney to examine all the Bylaws (current and the proposed changes) in comparison to HRS 414D?

There could be many things that this Bylaws Committee - and anyone who might have sent suggested changes to it - may have missed. Such omissions could lead to future adverse actions."

Yes!! Agree that there is potential of future adverse actions .
One remedy would be to hire an attorney......another could be to join an organization whose specific purpose is to assist non profit organizations. Many compliance issues could be addressed with such an organization .
dw12345 writes

"I have an idea, concentrate on paving the roads (the only real thing the board is empowered to do) and leave all the bs for when that is done."
I would agree and add
follow the HPPOA business/fiscal Schedule in compliance with our Bylaws. This is also your mandate and your oath.
Ditto to Watchdog and Janet. No amount of previous wrongs justifies current violations.Time to drop that line. I wonder why we can understand and want to abide by our by-laws and state statutes but the remainder of the June elected board can not and will not. It just isn't that difficult unless one doesn't want to learn and be informed. Reni you have made some great points. It is just that all the talking can not seem to move this board to be ethical. I can say that I almost concur with dw, the only job the board has is to oversee and our roads are the only thing that should be being dealt with. After 10 months of craziness and no improvement, let's hope none of them get re elected. EVER! That is something we on the outside can do if we as a membership are united, not divided.
.Katarina writes:
" I wonder why we can understand and want to abide by our by-laws"
Aloha, I'm assuming that you meant "can't" understand. It's been a question for me also. Couple thoughts,
I think we all need to identify ourselves for what we are. We are a non profit Corp. subject to Federal, State, County rules, our own bylaws and policies. There is a chain of authority to these Laws which must be followed. If followed properly, Laws statutes, rules, policies provide us with a set of "blue prints", establishing our framework and a "road map" to help us navigate in a functional manner. They are there to uphold and in so doing makes the board's job easier. Do our Board members even comprehend this? If so, then how are we left to describe some of their actions which are blatantly not in compliance?

Is it negligence ? willful misconduct? Good intentions spurred on by ignorance?
I think we are constantly subjected to good intentions spurred on by ignorance which leads to "OMG, we've made a terrible mistake! Now we all need to work to cover it up (if you're on my side)and continuously justify our original wrongdoing ! This of course just compounds the original problem!
We know the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Owner's Association Hell comes in several forms.....meeting uproar, splitting off into small groups that engage in "let's you and me fight him" when left unchecked can end up in physical violence and or legal action. Or another description could be "HPPOA".
Why do our Board members not see this? How do we get out?
There are some fundamental truths that the board members and individual members CAN apply to our own decision making skills. It would aid us in being fair with each other as we move towards the goal of upholding our bylaws. Your suggestion ,
"No amount of previous wrongs justifies current violations.Time to drop that line." I agree
and would add "No problem is solved when the remedy involves violating rules, regulations, statues our Non profit Corp. is legally bound to uphold . Ignorance is not justification.
Originally posted by Katarina

Ditto to Watchdog and Janet. No amount of previous wrongs justifies current violations.Time to drop that line. I wonder why we can understand and want to abide by our by-laws and state statutes but the remainder of the June elected board can not and will not. It just isn't that difficult unless one doesn't want to learn and be informed. Reni you have made some great points. It is just that all the talking can not seem to move this board to be ethical. I can say that I almost concur with dw, the only job the board has is to oversee and our roads are the only thing that should be being dealt with. After 10 months of craziness and no improvement, let's hope none of them get re elected. EVER! That is something we on the outside can do if we as a membership are united, not divided.

The vote is a very powerful tool if not corrupted. So, this board has removed the write in candidate part of the ballot, therefore, a group of people in one of the districts can't write in a candidate and the if no one is running in that district the board can just appoint another of their cronies. I think there is one district that has no candidates, so you be the judge.
Can they do that? Remove the write in candidate aspect of voting? Talk about stacking the deck so to speak and just another egregious action by the rogue board. So that eliminates one of our best ways to reformulate the board.
Reni, what I was trying to convey was that as members in general, we support the by-laws and state statutes for good reason yet the board(who have sworn to uphold these) can not and will not.

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