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DLNR to protesters: Remove the camp
Otherwise it looks like exactly what it is, a devious and deceitful attempt to use spirituality to push forward their agenda.

This is how things are done in America -- and having adopted these tactics, the protestors can hardly claim to be purely Hawaiian without also being complete hypocrites.

HOTPE, they learned well how to work the American law, didn't they? Claim "religious belief" (Religious discrimination, Civil Rights, etc., under Federal laws).

I understand what you're saying HOTPE, and tend to agree somewhat. "It is not what you say, but how you say it" (not you, in general) that separates the antagonist from the sincere.

Evidenced in the continued baiting, like clockwork. (*See post above yours. Creepy.).

Going to Mauna Kea this afternoon, and hope that reason prevails.

"It is not what you say, but how you say it"

I agree, none of us are on our best behavior when we are "whipped up" by an issue.

Going to Mauna Kea this afternoon, and hope that reason prevails.

It looks like a beautiful day for a visit to the mountain. If the sky is clear, Hilo and Puna will look so peaceful 9000 feet below. If only it were so! Safe journey - - all the best.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"It is not what you say, but how you say it"

"I hope it storms and makes the ocean rough as hell!!! Bunch of freaking nutjobs."

Pffffffffffffff lol
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

"It is not what you say, but how you say it"

I agree, none of us are on our best behavior when we are "whipped up" by an issue.

Going to Mauna Kea this afternoon, and hope that reason prevails.

It looks like a beautiful day for a visit to the mountain. If the sky is clear, Hilo and Puna will look so peaceful 9000 feet below. If only it were so! Safe journey - - all the best.

Mahalo, HOTPE. Aloha to you. Have a good day.

Lock 'em up as domestic terrorists and throw away the key. You mess with the bull you get the horns.
Lock 'em up as domestic terrorists and throw away the key.

Won't work -- wrong skin color.
HOTPE wrote"

"Time would be better spent identifying intelligent, politically and diplomatically skilled, honest and sincere representatives for a future Hawaiian nation, rather than defending those who's accomplishments include talking the loudest, and camping the longest."

From my observations, those better qualificed candidates have no interest in reliving the past, especially since most everyone is mixed race at this point.

One of the most enlightening conversations I have had on the subject was with a well known and well respected philanthropist on Maui. He is considered pure Hawaiian by blood, but rejects that label and calls himself a decendant of Tahitian immigrants from 500 years ago. He said to me "All of us in Hawaii are immigrants some came earlier and some later but we are all equally Hawaiian". He will have nothing to do with the sovereignty movement, he finds it offensive and divisive.

"Going to Mauna Kea this afternoon, and hope that reason prevails."

Wish I had read this yesterday. We were likely just a few hundred yards apart. I'd have tried to arrange for us to meet.
Originally posted by TomK


"Going to Mauna Kea this afternoon, and hope that reason prevails."

Wish I had read this yesterday. We were likely just a few hundred yards apart. I'd have tried to arrange for us to meet.

Aloha Mr. Tom! Yes, we probably were...There is resolution to this as we "speak" (type). I am hopeful, Sir. Reason will prevail. [Smile] Discussions will continue towards "common ground".

I look forward to meeting you sooner than later, under much more comfortable circumstances. Aloha to you (again), and my best to Pam (waving!)

The I'o (hawk) hovered right above our heads, as did Lilinoe (the mist) amid the turmoil and consultation.

All will be well, Sir. No doubt. Very please to see you are well.



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