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DLNR to protesters: Remove the camp
Thanks, Opihikao.

Thursday evening was interesting. Worked the previous night, tried to sleep, couldn't, had dinner and returned to my room at HP around 6pm. My room had a good view of the VIS and surrounding area.

I wanted to sleep as I had to be up at 2am that night, but couldn't, and as ever, I have the window open as I love that cool air! Anyway, I was wondering if I'd see blue flashing lights coming up the road, but that didn't happen. However, because my window was open, I heard a lot of traffic heading to the VIS area.

Really wanted to go to sleep, so went to bed, but because the window was open, at around 18:30 I heard chanting perhaps prayers. An hour later I heard some more stuff (couldn't make it out, but sounded like someone giving a speech) and then it was quiet again.

It was very surreal, especially the chanting.

There was no trouble, and it was all very peaceful. I think I fell asleep around then, but as usual, sleeping at HP while not totally acclimated isn't easy. I know I was up at 9pm and it was quiet.

A new and not unpleasant experience on the mountain for me. Unfortunately, that was the last sleep I got, and am still awake!
Mr. Tom, re: "still awake". So am I, Sir (

What you heard was this (the "chant"):

E ho mai ka ike mai luna mai e.
O na mea huna no'e au, o na mele e.
E ho mai.
E ho mai.
E ho mai, e.

Calling on Kupuna for guidance, "ike" (foresight/wisdom - English interpretation; not verbatim), strength, to make difficult decisions.

Mahalo for being sensitive to your surroundings. Sir, there was an abundance of "mana" there. Those of us from Puna "proper" (as in, "Tutu Pele" domain; not Puna Makai nor Mauka, but overall), had the same feeling. Unsettling, strange, and perhaps, on some level, ethereal. FWIW.

Back to topic, "Remove the camp". No problem. Remove the "mana", probably not.

Awaiting the Supreme Court decision (with baited breath), which will dictate where we go from here.

As we move forward, let us "remove the camp" of division. We "Got to Be Real", Sir...

[Big Grin]

I trust you will rest well tonight. All pau.


Thank you, Opihikao. When we finally meet, we will have a fascinating discussion, although I know I will leave with more knowledge than I could ever offer you. I think you can ask Pam that and she'd agree. I hope she can be there as well!
From looking at the webcam, the "campsite" is still there.

MK Visitor Center camera
If the Hawaii Supreme Court rules that no project may be physically undertaken as long as there is a standing lawsuit against it; irrespective of the merit of the suit, irrespective of the conformance of the project to the legal rules, codes and standards of initiating projects, and the court docket is guaranteed to be filled with lawsuits by extremists and cranks who will simply file new suits at the conclusion of existing ones, into perpetuity, then no project may be undertaken that may provoke any sort of lawsuit from anyone for any reason.

Such a ruling would, basically, end civilization as we know it. We shall see if we have lived to witness the death of competent jurisprudence in the USA in the service of race politics.


You can't fix Samsara.
end civilization as we know it

Puna residents will hardly notice any change.

"Mr. Tom, re: "still awake". So am I, Sir (

What you heard was this (the "chant"):

E ho mai ka ike mai luna mai e.
O na mea huna no'e au, o na mele e.
E ho mai.
E ho mai.
E ho mai, e.

Thank you for that.

OT, but the rugby union world cup has just started. In my opinion this is the greatest sport (apart from cricket, of course!). Several Polynesian countries are involved including the All Blacks, which have been the best team for decades. Awesome haka:
But they didn't always get it right:
And so a new chapter begins:

TMT protesters agreed to vacate the tent last week after receiving a notice and being assured that they would be notified if construction of the telescope was going to resume.

What the Fudge Really?..^
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
Not sure I believe anything written by the Trib at the moment.

"The group noted the protesters are voluntarily complying with the removal of the tent, but they object to what they see as selective enforcement of emergency rules on the mountain."

Now it's:

"TMT protesters agreed to vacate the tent last week after receiving a notice and being assured that they would be notified if construction of the telescope was going to resume."

So what was the actual agreement? Removal or vacate?

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