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DLNR to protesters: Remove the camp
Video of the tent being taken down is available via Big Island Video News:
Good news! Good riddance!
Still have heard no clarification why the tent was abandoned and left there opposite the VIS. Anyone know anything? It doesn't reflect well on the MK protesters right now.
As always on PW, the issue first draws a blank? then furious clicking and linking for a couple months, some things are learned but with massive confusion waste, reaches a peak frenzy, then wut hoppen?

It should be noted the protesters are just one group, some Hawaiian participants, but hardly any representation for all Hawaiians. In fact, it has become very difficult to sort out all the groups, all claiming to represent the Hawaiian Kingdom. The main reveal to pull from this mess is the Hawaiian Kingdom movement is being backed and financed by the Republicans. The Democrats back the Hawaiian Nation, the Republicans back the Hawaiian Kingdom, plain and simple. Something has fallen apart in the background and it may be the Navy being approved to conduct military exercises in Maui Strait that no longer needed the diversion of the Mauna Kea protesters. Tragic that the locals keep getting manipulated by outsiders, for over 100 years.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by TomK

Still have heard no clarification why the tent was abandoned and left there opposite the VIS. Anyone know anything? It doesn't reflect well on the MK protesters right now.

Aloha, Sir. The tent was the property of the Reinstated Hawaiian Kingdom, not the group (who held vigil for months). Some of the protestors/protectors are "nationals" of the RHK, some are not. The decision to leave the tent was the Owner's call, not the protestors/protectors. Thus, their belongings were taken out, and the tent remained, per the instruction of the RHK.

RHK could claim "theft", and a myriad of "criminal charges" under RHK "law". (*Disclaimer: not my position, so can't respond to the "who, what, where, why", etc.) There has been no response to date from the State/DLNR/etc., to the correspondence from RHK over the course of the past few months.

Additionally, the media reported (again) "non-factual" information. There has been no "deal" that matters. TMT was not going to move forward (ie. sign contracts, consruction loans, etc.) without knowing what the Supreme Court ruled. That was apparently, allegedly, decided the day of the hearing. Makes financial sense (if you read the documents).

It is my belief everyone is waiting for the Supreme Court ruling. Time frame seems to be (per legal minds) 60-90 days from the hearing date. FWIW.

Either way the ruling comes down, the RHK, the protestors/protectors and the "lahui", will continue the discussion with BLNR/DLNR/UH/State of Hawai'i, etc., in search of resolution. The camp was removed, by the State, but the intent of the years in discussion (and court), and the six (6) month protest on the Mauna stands.

Again, FWIW.


ETA: for clarity.
"RHK could claim "theft", and a myriad of "criminal charges" under RHK "law"."

Hi Opihikao,

I do understand the tent belonged to a different group and that the media has been less than clear (see my posts here from a day or so ago). However, the perception from the general public and others will be that 1) the protesters did not do what they promised and 2) they have little consideration for the environment by not removing the tent. The latter will be ammunition against any protester who uses an environmental or "we are protecting the mountain" argument in the future.
Mr. Tom, absolutely. No question.

Some of us walk a fine line, and in this instance, I look forward to Christmas (and the Supreme Court decision) [Big Grin]. Sir, the law is the law. However, interpretation is what matters.

The miniscule details, at this point, (like this tent business, bloody OHA stepping in a day late and two dollars short, the BLNR/DLNR doing whatever, the UH spinning out of control with "litigation costs", etc.) don't solve the damn problem. Merely contributes to the drawn out process. That is what we are stuck with.

In the end, IMO, there MUST be reasonable conclusion. Personally, I'm working on my testimony for the PUC re: NextEra (Please submit testimony for or against. This is what also affects ALL of us. Sorry for the O/T). A'ole. We need to manage our own resources (as in ALL of us), to preserve and maintain, the aina for generation to come. Period. (Per Kupuna)

TMT "gets it". Others, not so much. Politics is a bitch in heels. (Sorry, wrong language, but truth. Stiletto, btw.[Sad!])

To bring it back to topic, remove the camp, no problem. Remove the "issue", not going to happen. Again, this is not about "TMT", this is about much, much, more.

Yet, there are some very talented, smart, educated kanaka maoli. Thus, I'm going to start a "Christmas thread", since we're a few weeks away from the holidays. Tired of BS, ready for change, and there is a "huli" (turn of the norm; not verbatim) on the horizon. For all of us.

(Making and packing breakfast/lunch bags for the mo'opuna again. [xx(]. Beats driving it to school daily.)

JMTO. (Tired Opinion)
Thanks, Opihikao. Sleep well!
"[...] The main reveal to pull from this mess is the Hawaiian Kingdom movement is being backed and financed by the Republicans. The Democrats back the Hawaiian Nation, the Republicans back the Hawaiian Kingdom, plain and simple. Something has fallen apart in the background and it may be the Navy being approved to conduct military exercises in Maui Strait that no longer needed the diversion of the Mauna Kea protesters. Tragic that the locals keep getting manipulated by outsiders, for over 100 years."

Where to begin? It's an utter logical traffic jam (thanks PM2). No evidence, bizarre conclusions, political conspiracies and bringing the navy into the discussion = kook.

Sorry, PT, but it has to be said.

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