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Found dog HPP
If I found an obviously emaciated dog the very last organization I would contact is the humaneless society! Some years ago friends gave me a dog they found that looked like it had not eaten in two or three weeks. They had it for two or three days feeding it very well before I saw him and he still looked starved. Long story short, I spent $168.00 on shots, deworming (oh, what a surprise) and of course bought him toys and a bed. He was so happy and loved during his short amount of time with me. I stupidly reported him to the HS and "followed the rules", reuniting the dog with his rightful owner. As it turned out, the dog had only been missing for two days when my friends found him and in spite of a promise to reimburse me for the shots and treatment that saved his life (which of course did not happen), the "rightful owner" made it clear he would make the garage this poor dog was returning to escape proof. I realized that I essentially sentenced that poor animal to more starvation, neglect and I'm pretty certain abuse. I chalked this up to more lessons learned here in paradise.
Hi Pam, I've worked in animal rescue and what you do is create a system that allows you to interview the previous owner about identifying the animal without disclosing whether you have their lost animal or a similar one.

I just used limited written description, not photos. Doesn't matter if it's Craigslist or the Human Society where you list the found animal.

Gotta be a little sneaky to protect the critters who went to great lengths to escape from bad humans.
I've taken in a dog rather than watch the poor thing run around in the street and get killed but homeowner very allergic so I had to keep dog in backyard till owner found. Since then a couple of people have brought dogs they have found over! I don't know how word gets around

Pam in CA
Pam in CA

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